Dialogs for tk-multi-workfiles2 freezes in Houdini


We have set up SGTK for houdini and we are experiencing a problem with the dialogs.  When we open the 'File Open' or 'File Save', then just close, it will take a really long time to close and freezes houdini.  When debugging is turned on, this is the output:

Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Unregistering <tkimp673efb9bd8c546b3a4d2ccd452f2b99e.task_manager.background_task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager object at 0x0000000034B0F608> from schema manager
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Task Manager: Shutting down...
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Task Manager: Stopping all tasks...
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Task Manager:  > All tasks stopped!
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Task Manager: Waiting for 3 background threads to stop...Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Results Queue: Sent _ShutdownHint to consumer thread.
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Results Queue: Consumer thread received ShutdownHint.
Shotgun Debug: tk-framework-shotgunutils: Task Manager: Shut down successfully!
Shotgun Debug: Widget trash contains 2 widgets
Shotgun Debug: tk-multi-workfiles2: MyTaskItemDelegate destroyed


We are on tk-core v0.18.30, tk-multi-workfiles2 v0.7.42

If there are any workarounds or solutions that would appreciated.




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