Change OCIODisplay for each source

I'm currently using OCIOLook nodes to do display transformations on my sources similar to what's discussed in this post: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/209497958-OCIO-customization

The reason for this is that I need to play multiple sources in sequence, some of which will be in sRGB  and others will be linear (e.g. playing a cut with a mix of animation and comp versions).

The look node method works well, but not being able to use things like the exposure adjustment is a deal-breaker for me. Is there a way to customize the display group per source such that RV will flip between displays when viewing a sequence or a stack?


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    Thomas Mansencal

    I would be very interested to know if there is a way to do that too, I would like to be able to alternate between OCIO managed and non managed source easily which doesn't seem possible at the moment.



    PS: Hi Anders :)

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    Jon Morley


    I hear ya. I have made a lot of changes to our OCIO package in recent releases and it includes a way to control custom pipeline assignments with regards to OCIO that are quite flexible, but also fairly complicated. I am working on a write-up of documentation for how to leverage that and will report back here with a link when I finish and find it a home. Hang tight!


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    Anders Langlands

    Sounds great, thanks Jon! Will this method be dependent on a particular RV version?




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    Jon Morley

    Hi Anders,

    The OCIO management in RV is controlled by a package. Since the packages are scripted and the compiled OCIO nodes have not changed since they were introduced you only need to be using the latest version of the package to get the latest functionality. Therefore the version of RV doesn't matter that much except that we include the OCIO package with each release so to use the latest package you should use the most recent RV.

    There are often pending features in the OCIO package that will be coming out in a future release. Therefore I do not want to attach any specific version of the package to this forum thread where future visitors might get stale code. If you want to get a copy of the forthcoming version of the OCIO package then please start a private ticket and I will send you the latest.

    For a while now we have included some documentation with the package that comes with RV. If you open RV's preferences and go to the Packages tab you can select the OCIO package and read the documentation in the bottom pane. That documentation goes over how to extend and customize the behavior of the package without needing to alter the package directly. Please take a look at that and let me know what your follow up questions are.


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    Anders Langlands

    Hi Jon, thanks for the explanation. I've opened a ticket as you suggest.




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    Dan Vasquez

    I wrote a function that enables or disables OCIO on all displays, depending on whether the currently-viewed sourceGroup contains an active OCIOFile or OCIOLook node. I then placed this function in a 'frame-changed'-bound function. (I'm also checking whether the sourceGroup has changed before executing that 'disable/enable displays' function. Otherwise, that function run on every single frame -- slowing it down.)

    Hope that helps.



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    Anders Langlands

    Hi Dan, thanks. How's performance? Does it run smoothly across cuts when the display changes?

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    Dan Vasquez

    I've only tested it on my machine (not in production yet), but so far it's playing the sequences very smoothly. The only issue I see is the transition from one OCIO-enabled source to an OCIO-disabled source during playback --- the first frame into the new source has OCIODisplay enabled which is visible as a quick flash. However, this doesn't happen when I select specific frames on the timeline with my mouse or when I navigate to sequence boundaries using keyboard shortcuts (e.g. alt-rightArrow).



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