Base Edit Audio

Hi Support

Can you please add an option in the Media App to always play the audio in the base edit irrespective of whether Versions uploaded to Shotgun as QuickTimes have audio or not? Currently, when Versions are uploaded as QuickTimes with no audio they mute the base edit's audio. As QuickTimes from vendors do not always have audio it would be ideal to have the Media App always use the audio track in the base edit.




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    Yes please!

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    Colin Lowry

    This would be the logical next step in the cut functionality. The audio baked into our renders for this very large show we're working on includes DX only to facilitate their efforts on character lip sync. It would be exceptionally useful to be able to upload an edl with picture only from the renders but then have reviews occur with the story edit sound (inclusive of FX & MX as well as DX in our case,) by either enable the reference movie sound or having the ability to upload a reference audio file from the base edit.

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    Jean-Paul LeDoux

    We have a custom field on shots that carry the path to the latest sound file.  This is what is imported into Maya for animators, as well as baked into quicktimes generated for review.  But for Lighting reviews when we're looking at image sequences and not quicktimes, we'd love to be able to load audio into RV automagically.

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    Andy Jones

    This would be really useful for us as well.

    One thing I know is possible currently is to create a new Stack in RV, using the audio media as a base layer, and then the Cut from SG Review as the top layer.  It would be nice to have something that could basically automate this based on info in the Cut entity.

    The workaround of embedding audio into Versions could work too, but it's quite a bit more work to break out a bunch of individual audio tracks, and then (I'm assuming) doesn't work if we switch to frame-based media.  Also, as Colin mentioned, it's likely that our per-shot audio needs are different than the overall sequence audio needs.

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    Hyojin Kim

    Agree with everyone above. If there is a separate audio track field, that would be great. 

  • 2

    Second that! Often the VFX we need to do has to be in sync with the sound!! - So we need the sound back please!

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    Tobias Pfeiffer

    +10 for the initial request from Paul, which is about the Media App.

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    Paul Alexiou

    Hi Support

    Do you have any plans on implementing this useful feature many people want? It's been two-and-a-half years since the request was made. Or has this gone by the wayside?



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