I am reading chapter 10 in the RV reference manual, which covers creating a simple package. I am trying to create my own version of the mystuff package. However, when I try to add the package to RV, I always get this error message:
ERROR: YAML parser failed on PACKAGE file in C:/Users/spearsc/AppData/Roaming/RV/Packages/mystuff-1.0.rvpkg
I wish the error message was more explicit. I set the console to show on any output, but I did not get any additional information.
Here are the contents of my YAML file:
package: My Stuff
author: Chris Spears
version: 1.0
rv: 7.1.0
requires: ''
- file: mystuff
load: immediate
description: |
<p>My Personal RV Customizations</p>
Not sure what I am doing wrong. The file is called PACKAGE.yml. The extension does not seem to cause any trouble with an earlier example.