RVRetime explicit frame numbering

Hi there, I'm trying to understand how the frame numbering is supposed to work in the explicit retime mode. Say I have a source movie of 4 frames (1-4) and I want to retime it to 101-108 (so offset by 100 frames and half the speed). 

I set .explicit.firstOutputFrame to 101, then set .explicit.inputFrames to [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] (and set .explicit.active to 1)

This does the frame doubling correctly, but in the timeline the frames are still numbered 1, 1, 2, 2 etc. I would like them to be 101, 102, 103, 104 etc.

How would I go about this?





  • 0
    Anders Langlands

    *bump* - any thoughts on this guys?

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Anders,

    I don't think there is a way to tell RV to identify a frame by a number name that way. Are you looking at source frame numbers or global frame numbers on your timeline. You can check by right clicking on the timeline widget.


  • 0
    Anders Langlands

    Hi Jon, I didn't realise you could do that with the timeline, thanks! It was source frame numbers, but global doesn't do what I want either. Continuing with my example above, global frame numbers show 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. I've also tried using the .visual.offset to offset the frame numbers and that has no effect either. I'm a little confused about what .visual.offset and .explicit.firstOutputFrame are supposed to do, since they just seem to be being ignored?




  • 0
    Anders Langlands

    ...aaand just realised after running through the docs again that what I actually want is the .group.rangeOffset on the RVFileSource node to do the offset, then to use the RVRetime node just to do the time warp.

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Andres,

    Sorry about that. Do you think you can send us a sample session that you have assembled?


  • 0
    Anders Langlands

    Hi Jon, I'm afraid I can't easily supply a session file. I managed to do what I want with the explicit retime mode and using the .group.rangeOffset on the RVFileSource. My confusion stemmed from the fact that I was expecting .explicit.firstOutputFrame to do what .group.rangeOffset does. The use case for this is playing and stacking movies with differing "step" values - i.e. renders that have been generated on every second, fifth or Xth frame compared to a reference movie where every frame is present.

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