Hide global navigation bar

Hi guys! I would like to suggest a check box on pages to hide the global navigation bar and if it's not too much trouble, hide the project navigation bar as well. This would cut down on inconsistencies and maximize my productivity greatly in my studios current workflow.





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    Christopher Jarvis

    I hope this helps explain what I am looking for... cheers!

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Christopher,

    Just so I understand the problem you're looking to solve, are you embedding Shotgun pages within other Shotgun pages via URL widgets or tabs?

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    Christopher Jarvis

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for the quick response. That is correct. I would like to make a correction to my previous post though. So I am looking to house a non project page in a project pages url widget. So it's the global navigation bar that keeps showing up. This allows a person to create windows in windows, in windows, ect. If we could hide this we could have nested navigation. This would help us out immensely Cheers!

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    Brandon Foster

    Roger that. Generally we advise against embedding Shotgun within Shotgun (as it could lead to weird recursive page displays depending how you set it up). If you really need to, however, you can append this token to your URL to hide the global and project nav bars:


    Let me know if that gets you the behavior you were after.

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    Christopher Jarvis

    Thank you Brandon.That is exactly what I was looking for. This is a huge help!

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