Note replies (newest first)

Is it possible to have the latest responses in task notes appear at the top instead of the bottom of a note, as a user preference?

Threads can have about 30+ responses (with images), when you're in a rush it can get very frustrating waiting for every response to load when all you need is the latest one


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    Nephi Sanchez Official comment

    Hi Jagadish,


    We definitely think it is a great idea! 

    We have this ticket in our backlog and will keep an eye on this Feature Request post as we continually re-think our roadmap. In the meantime, any more ideas / input / specifics that you have about this feature, we would love to hear.  



  • 2
    Eoghan Garvey

    This is an important feature request.

  • 1
    James Stacey

    This would be a very useful feature for us. Please add it.

  • 1
    Giacomo Vivino

    It is a really good idea! Would be really helpful

  • 1
    Marcin Sliwinski

    Definitely a handy feature. Please add it

  • 0
    Paul Deasy

    I'm all for this as well. I'd even put the add a reply section, at the top if possible too. for times when you're replying to a previous comment or adding feedback, you don't want to have to scroll to the top to remind yourself of a point that was made when you're writing your reply and then scroll back down again to type. 

  • 1
    Sachin Shrestha

    +100 for this. Its super inconvenient to scroll through a huge thread to reach the bottom for the latest update. Would be useful to probably have the option to collapse the older replies as well (similar to any modern email interface).

  • 0
    Jagadish Kumar

    Hi guys, is there a some response to this from the Shotgun team ??

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