Shotgun Version


I have the following questions. All are related to the version of the website we are running. Could you please answer or point me to already existing threads for the same? 

  • Where can I find the active version of Shotgun website that we are running. Will it be right to assume that we are always running the latest version of the website. Ex 7.4 at the moment? Please elaborate. 

  • On a Project, Is the version locked to the current version of Shotgun at the time of creation of the project? If Yes, how do we upgrade to a later release of Shotgun on an existing project?

  • If the versions are not locked at the time of project creation, is there a way to not accept any updates from Autodesk once the project is created? 




  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Hi Sumesh,

    Thanks for your questions! Let's go through each:

    You can find the release of Shotgun you're using by clicking on your user icon in the upper right, then looking in the "Help" section:

    The storage of all data on your site (Projects, Shots, Assets, etc.) is not dependent on the release of Shotgun being used by the site. There is no way to use one release of Shotgun on a single Project, and a different release of Shotgun for another. I.E. you will access and interact with your Project data in Shotgun the same way you would in We try to rarely make underlying schema changes, but when we do we make sure to give plenty of notice and backwards compatibility so as to not affect existing scripts or automations. If you have further questions which may be specific to your site don't hesitate to reach out to us directly via support ticket.

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    sumesh kumar

    Thanks Brandon,

    So in short, all out projects will be on the same version of Shotgun. Ex. They ar eall on at the moment. Could you please confirm I have understood this right? 



  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Hi Sumesh,

    That's correct, everything on your site (Projects and all) are on the same version of Shotgun.

  • 0
    sumesh kumar

    Thanks Brandon,

    That clears my doubts. hope you have a nice time. 



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