REST deployed on IIS error generating shotgun queries

Hi Everyone,

So I have a strange issue. I have built a REST service that generates Shotgun calls and serves custom reports. When ran in a cmd window it works perfectly fine however as soon as I deploy on IIS any route not calling Shotgun works but as soon as I try to introduce a Shotgun Query to generate dropdowns and such I get a "TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method". It returns a 200 but then redirects to a 500 page with no real errors since what it is doing is making a very basic SG query to return a list of asset libraries for the user. Is there something on IIS that would make my app not be able to call Shotgun? Am I missing something that would give the server access to call the SG servers. I look forward to hearing from you.




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    Julien Brasseur

    Hello Chris,

    My apologies for what i'm gonna ask you since i'm not helping you at all =(

    I was wondering how you built your REST service, i would be interested in doing the same thing but i have no clue where to start from. I started digging in shotgun python api but the whole network layer is some kind of mystery for me... I want to make simple calls (query/create/update), i don't need a complete service.

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    Chris Jarvis

    Hi Julien,

    It really depends on what you are looking to achieve which is difficult to discern from your post. I built my framework using Flask which is great for smaller production uses and can easily be expandable using blueprints for modularity. It will require a service or something run it. Again my reasoning for this was to bring information from multiple databases together in one place for production and report using my own website with Charts.js, because the widgets were rather limiting for what I needed. Flask documentation can be found here... http://flask.pocoo.org/  If you are trying to automate certain things then I recommend using shotguns Event Daemon, which I found to be incredibly useful. The Shotgun Support Team is not only helpful but responsive if you need it. Hope this points you in the right direction.



    Chris Jarvis

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    Julien Brasseur

    Thanks Chris,

    i also found this message from one of the Shotgun developer today : https://groups.google.com/a/shotgunsoftware.com/forum/#!msg/shotgun-dev/0nmeGE_xJdE/hRvsmEsnDAAJ

    So i might juste wait for them to release their REST api

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