We are using RV 6.2.6 on Windows.
From python, I want to save out the current session, with some added metadata.
We haven't had much luck using the API to edit the current nodes in the session.
I had already implemented a class hierarchy to represent rv nodes in python. Using this I can create a session from scratch and save out a .rv file that can be read back into rv.
I want to duplicate the rv DAG in my python fauxRV node objects. I assume all relevant information is in the nodes and their properties, so I do this:
Get all rv node names.
For each rv node:
Get all properties from the rv node
Create a python fauxRV node and populate it with the properties
This would appear to be the way to get all the rv data, but it doesn't seem to work properly. When I save the current session and also save out my python nodes in .rv format, I notice some differences in the data I get from rv:
- The RVSession and RVSequenceGroup nodes are missing the "session" component.
- The RVSession node has an extra "opengl" component (which is not understood when reading it back in).
- The connection node is not found
- The RVSequenceGroup is also missing the "session" component.
- I get a number of nodes that are not present in the rv saved session:
RVDisplayPipelineGroup, RVDisplayStereo, and RVDisplayColor nodes.
It seems that from python, I may not be able to get an accurate picture of all rv data. Is this true? I'm about to write a parser to read a session file into my fauxRV classes so that I can edit it as needed and resave.
Am I missing something, or does python not have access to all the required data?