Hiero/Shotgun workflow

Hi, trying to set up a simple workflow between Hiero and Shotgun here. I have done this previously on ftrack and it was quite simple and intuitive but I am really stuck on this one.

I start the project by importing an xml, and then build the tracks following my shot templates.

On ftrack and whenever I wanted to update a shot duration there was a button to check and update them on the ftrack database.

With Shotgun, I only see shotgun export processing options, but no simple option/menu to update shot lengths from Hiero's mastertrack. In this case there's nothing I want to export so maybe I am missing the whole point here.

Also, I haven't figured out how to get Hiero to read Shotgun's episode/shot database for the current project. When I right click on a shot and select Open in shotgun, it tells me that it "Could not find a shot in shotgun with the name 'sh00xx' associated with a Sequence 'ep003'! (that's the name of the sequence in my hrox file and episode on shotgun). So somehow my timeline/sequence is completely disconnected from what's on shotgun...


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    Dashiel Bivens

    Hi Manuel,

    We have used Hiero as our Conform Solution for VFX and have run into all the same issues you've mentioned. We forked the tk-hiero-export app before support for Cuts and Cut Items came along, and haven't yet gotten around to incorporating that into our production version, but I think I can still answer your questions.

    With Shotgun, I only see shotgun export processing options, but no simple option/menu to update shot lengths from Hiero's mastertrack. In this case there's nothing I want to export so maybe I am missing the whole point here.

    The tk-hiero-export App's Shot Processor inserts a new export task in each export job called 'ShotgunShotUpdater' this is what updates the Cut Items and duration fields on Shots in Shotgun. If you want to create/update that information, but not export any transcoded frames/movies to disk, try making a new export preset for the 'Process as Shotgun Shots' exporter, with no other tasks in it by deleting the folder tree tokens that come with Basic Shotgun Shot. Even if there are no tasks in the export preset, the 'ShotgunShotUpdater' still runs-- making the Sequence, Shots, and Cut Items, and uploads thumbnails.

    Also, I haven't figured out how to get Hiero to read Shotgun's episode/shot database for the current project. When I right click on a shot and select Open in shotgun, it tells me that it "Could not find a shot in shotgun with the name 'sh00xx' associated with a Sequence 'ep003'! (that's the name of the sequence in my hrox file and episode on shotgun). So somehow my timeline/sequence is completely disconnected from what's on shotgun...

    The Shotgun integration for Hiero is pretty one-directional. Hiero creates data in Shotgun, but not vice-versa. The name of your hrox file is only tracked by Shotgun in the workfiles app, it does not correspond to A sequence in Shotgun. The 'Sequence' name Shotgun is looking for is the 'sequence' name in Hiero, i.e. the timeline you're exporting out of. One .hrox project could contain all of the episodes for your project for example.

    In a test project, try launching Hiero and exporting a few test shots from your timeline with an empty preset out of Hiero and see what gets created, note the names of the Shots and the Sequence generated in Shotgun.

    Hope that that's helpful, (and accurate... I can't know for sure how your have Shotgun Integration set up). Shotgun can be configured in a lot of different ways and usually requires a little tweaking to the python Hooks to get things working the way you want them to.




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