i need to open a webview panel in RV pointing to a custom webpage when the user clicks a button or presses a key. The issue is that i am not able to initialise the default webview using the following code which causes RV to crash:
MuSymbol("webview.WebViewMode.initView")(MuSymbol('rvui.minorModeFromName')("webview"), 0, "http://google.com", "We", False, True, 300)
so instead i tried creating my own python package where i initialse a minor mode which attaches a webview to a dockwidget, the issue there is that i am not able to export rvsession to the webview's mainFrame using the following code which throws a warning:
WARNING: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() to Rv::RvJavaScriptObject::selfInstall()
and the webview's inspector says that rvsession is a undeclared variable.
Is there a recommended way of using the builtin webview ?