I've been trying to bulk import time logs via the right click "Import Time Logs" option from our company's Global Time Logs page. I've successfully been able to paste Excel data and get most of the columns recognized. However, I can't seem to figure out what sort of data the "Link" column wants.
It doesn't seem to be either of the things in the "Link" or "Link > Task > Link" columns that are in the csv format files exported by Shotgun. (These are, respectively: a task name like "Matte Painting" and a shot name.) It doesn't seem to be the task ID as found at the end of the URL for the specific task page. I even tried a JSON-looking thing like {"type" : "Matte Painting, "id" : 1234}, with no luck.
How should I specify the task for each time log line, when pasting Excel data into the Import Time Log interface?