Configurable units of time to use for duration fields as a display option

It would be great if the units of time was something we could adjust on durations on a page by page view. Sometimes (for reporting) we're more interested in having sums show up as days rather than hours (for example).


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    Mike Romey

    Just got hit pretty hard by this today.  We have 2 studio locations that define a day totally differently.  In our LA location a day is defined by 9 hrs in our Vancouver location a day is defined by 8 hrs.  We are using one server for both location.  So, its either one or the other.  Having the ability to define the duration of a day on a per task or per user or per page basis could possibly fix this issue.  To be honest the issue only really presents itself in context of scheduling.  And to be more specific if one location and the shotgun preference is set to a 9 hr day the other location will not see the gannt illustrated properly in the event that the other location has assigned a task that is greater than 8 hrs but less than 9 hrs.  Regardless it's a touchy issue to try to explain to a producer who wants and needs things to work a certain way.  In the mean time we have asked that eveyone tranition thinking about time in days to time in hours and made the default unit of caluculation hours instead of days. 



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    Don Parker

    Hey Mike, I can see your point.  My only concern would be to impliment this in a way that was easy to understand.  I'd worry people looking at tasks from the two locations would get confused by how the math was adding up differently.  We'll have to think a bit more about how to pull this off, as it is not just a display issue.  Any idea how the UI would look?

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    Mike Romey

    Well, the math should always add up the same since its stored in minutes anyhow.  The difference would be that a page with a duration preference of 8hrs would gannt out differently than a pags with a 9hr preference.  I think we can solve this issue in one of 2 ways.   One way would be two different page.

    1.  LA-Task page - with filters for LA Tasks only and 9 hr days

    2.  BC-Task page - with filters for BC tasks only and 8 hr days


    Another solution is to make some conditional logic in the preferences maybe somehting like this:

    if task['sg_location'] == 'LA':

         task['day_duration'] = 9

    elif task['sg_location'] == 'BC':

         task['day_duration'] =8


    I tend to prefer the latter solution. The default value would be assigned by the preference but each task would have its own "day duration" field as well as "weekend_exclusion" check box.  Everything inside of shotgun would stay the same with the option now to make task templates for one location or the other location depending upon how the project needed to go down.  Such as working straight through weekends or doing all work in LA or BC.



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    We have a ticket for this to allow controlling the display of data per field as a default as well as per page. Hoping to get this in soon, hang tight!

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    Arnaud Trouvé

    Hello everyone,

    I've opened a similar ticket, my request being how to control the display of the "duration" field (in days or hours).


    Is there a way of doing it ? Thanks


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    clinton downs


    Was there ever progress in this request?

    We have a very similar issue to Romey, except that one location prefers to view SG in Days, the other Hours. On top of that, we also have a different notion of what 1 day represents.

    I imagine we would configure two pages;

    Scheduling, which views data in Days.

    Reporting/TimeLogging, which views the same data in Hours.

    Ideally each project could define how many hours there are in a work day.


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    Alexey Borzykh

    would be nice to have option for duration field to convert hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months after reaching a certain amount per each.

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    Brendan Abel

    Currently, the display setting for duration fields is a global setting.  It would be preferable if this was a per field setting, so that one duration field could use days and another use hours.  For example, "Days" are preferable when bidding and scheduling, but "Hours" are preferable when entering TimeLogs.  

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    Kristin Patterson

    Agree that it would be better if this was a per field setting! We also want to use days for scheduling / bidding, and hours for time logs.

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    Edward Spencer

    for us, we'd like to be able to show some durations by day (e.g. for a task) and other durations as weeks (e,g, per shot or project) as the numbers can get pretty big in some places.

    Also, our animation branch is used to using footage, but some supervisors see that as outdated in this era of digital film, and would like to use frames instead, but again... big numbers.

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