Ability to show a column from more than 1 link away

For example, showing latest cut duration for a shot from a task's display. 


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    Andy Geers

    I presume it goes without saying that this would be awesome? How practical is it to do this without affecting performance too drastically?

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    Don Parker

    This one is definitly on the list  (our ticket #4627).  I just bumped it up into the 1.9 roadmap list so we consider this one when planning the 1.9 release.  Can you guys give more examples of how you'd want to use this?

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    Andy Geers

    That cut duration one is the most frequent use case. Anything like that where you're on a task or note page, and you want something from an entity that's linked to the shot. That kind of thing.

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    In cases where there's a heirarchy of entities linked together, this would provide an element of foreign key constraint, instead of having to duplicate information on multiple levels.

    for example, in a hypothetical Mocap situation:

    Scene -> MocapSetup -> MocapPass -> MocapTake


    This functionality would allow you to pull in the Scene and MocapSetup information at the MocapTake level rather than having to duplicate that information as their own columns.

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    Tommy Kiser

    Would you get filtering more than one link away for free with this feature?  I'm assuming if you could display a column 2 links away, you could then also filter for info in that column.

    Use case for this from last week: needing to filter a page based on aspects of a linked parent asset.  Show all assets with a parent asset that has a particular checkbox field checked.


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    Isaac Reuben

    Tommy, you can do the filtering part now:


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    Tommy Kiser

    Sorry - it was the Parent Asset of a *Linked* Asset had the Checkbox checked. :)

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    Mike Romey

    We do something interesting at our studio for elements.  Rather than actually using the thumbnail and preview on shots, assets, and versions we create the element and all the elements inside of the element entity then we make a new field for each of the other entities where we link that shot to its corresponding element.  In doing so we can then make the thumbnail viewable in any of the the other entities as well as any of the other data we mine for while uploading images. Its been a big help but also a bit of a struggle to push the existing thumbnail view aside and replace it with our linked thumbnail field from the elements entity, but the benefit has been that we only have to maintain one thumbnail and preview and simply link it when we need it.  This save a lot of time in uploading images and quicktimes.  It also centralizes all the data in one entity where the user can see images of every version, plate, render, pass and or playblast.   The draw backs are that we can no longer use the thumbnail view.  It sounds like we are indirectly already doing this in our studio.



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    Rob Blau

    We're thinking of going pretty deep with our linkages for example (and this one is currently theory only)  You have a review item for a version of an element from a task on a shot that has a current cut item.  For the review detail page we want to be able to show the frame range on the review item next to the cut summary of the current cut item on that corresponding shot.  Or be able to show the script dialog that is associated with the current cut on the shot.


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    Andy Geers

    The most recent use case for us on this one is as follows: each shot has a link to a specific version which represents the particular version we'll be sending out for outsourcing. We then have a bunch of outsourced tasks, and on that tasks page we want to pull in details of the outsourcing version for each task's shot, e.g. the version's frame length and source path on the filesystem.

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    Most common use case for us would be to track the aggregated status of all the tasks for all the assets related to a shot.

    Much like the current aggregation of shot tasks.  This would allow us to see the status of the assets (asset statuses being aggregate asset task statuses).

    Say you have a character in 3 shots who is still "In progress" for the modeling task.    You would see "In Progress" across all the shots for modeling.

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    Nils Lerin

    Any updates on this feature? Version 1.9 was a while ago :)

    This would be incredibly useful for us as well. We have animations (one per character) that are linked to a sequence which are linked to a subchapter which are linked to a chapter. In the list view of animations we would like to group those by chapter->subchapter->sequence, right now we have to link the sequence to both a subchapter and a chapter to do that, even though the subchapter is linked to a chapter.

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    Brendan Abel

    Just ran into a scenario where I'd like to be able to show a field from the Sequences table on a Tasks page ( Task ->Shot->Sequence->Field).  Currently stuck at the Sequence.  

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