FEATURE REQ: Created By info on Shared Pages

It would be MOST useful in my effort to clean up the mess here (and in future messy Shotgun instances) if every page could carry some sort of Created By or Owner data, particularly the Shared user pages.

Not expecting this any time soon, but would be great to work it into the roadmap somewhere.



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    This would be good info for sure. I've added this ticket internally as #6591.

    FYI, we're questioning the usefulness of shared pages right now, so if you have any feelings to share about that, feel free to chime in.

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    Mike Romey

    I am constantly creating shared pages for the sake of sharing a filter with a colleague.  It might be nice to make a filter preset in lieu of creating an actual page for somebody to share.  I find that our shared pages are a mess and most of my shared pages are brief thoughts of how to arrange a filter that eventually are not needed.  It would be nice to share only a filter arrangement rather than a whole page.  


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    Don Parker

    Hey Mike,  We've done a bit of thinking on shared / personsal / global filters as well, and we agree there is value there.  We're especially interesting in working out ways to address people's needs w/out having them create a ton of pages.  Along with saved filters, saved column sets are on that same list.  This is on the roadmap along with the page histories.  Hang in there!

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    Tommy Kiser

    Another idea on this - ability to share a page with a specific user.  Maybe have them viewable by Admins as a preference, but otherwise only creator and 'invitees' would see it, that would allow for filter sharing without cluttering up the whole company's navigation pane.



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    Jo H
    Like Tommy, I would also really like to be able to share a page with a specific user. Currently, when we have a specific query that doesn't need to clutter the Project, our work-around is to Save To the project, alert the specific person who wants to share the page, and once they've saved as a My Page within their own, delete from the project. Jo
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    Hey Jo,

    Right now by default other people's MyPages are not viewable for Artists. Recently we've been discussing the usefulness of this type of restriction and have been considering reversing that so that MyPages would be sharable by default. You wouldn't be able to browse for other people's MyPages but if you wanted to send a link to a specific page, they could access it. Thoughts?

    In addition, does anyone see concern for protecting users' MyPages by default? I don't think we've seen a good case for protecting a page layout like that, but there may be one we just haven't seen.


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    Jo H
    I think shareable by default, but not publicly searchable, makes a lot of sense!
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    Okay cool we're tracking this internally as ticket sg9534 and will let you know when there's an update. And if anyone else has thoughts on this, please feel free to post your comments.


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    Marking this one as "Done," Pages are now proper entities and do have created by/updated by info. I also question the sanity of the original requestor here...that guy looks shady.


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    Ben Hadden

    We hired Tommy to solve all his old feature requests. Nice work, Tommy! 

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