Filter by comparing columns

There are often moments when it would be quite handy to be able to set up a filter where you compared the values of two columns, e.g. "Column 1" "does not equal" "Column 2". This becomes particularly powerful when you can compare linked fields - e.g. you could find all the places your triggers have gone wrong by finding places where a field on a task doesn't match a field on its linked shot (if that makes sense?)


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    Mike Romey

    We do some financial data and comparing fields would help our accounting peps a lot.  For example if the Actuals Hours are higher than the Bid Hours, heads need to roll. 



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    Don Parker

    Interesting idea.  Would this be something you'd want to do in the UI?  Or is this an API thing?  What do you think the UI should look like?  Maybe:  [field 1] [does not equal the field] [field 2] ?

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    Andy Geers

    Yes, definitely in the UI. Your suggestion is exactly how I imagined it: a new comparison type "does not equal the field" or "equals the field", and then you get the same field dropdown on the right hand side as you get on the left.

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    Mike Romey

    Yup, aggreed.  Spot on!


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    Michael Beal

    This is something we would like as well. 


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    Patrick Boucher

    This would be extremely useful for us as well.

    The lvalue of a filter defines the valid operator list. This operator list could be extended to have "field" variants ("equals field", "contains field", etc... - or a new "field" checkbox) that turns the rvalue from an explicit textfield to a field dropdown (like the lvalue).

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    Mark Visser

    Another real-world use case for this came up today. Notes attached to a version/task/shot are often useful to downstream tasks. It's hard to show them in context, though.

    For example, say in a review session for a lighting version it is decided to fix something in comp. The coordinator creates a note (by default attached to version/lighting task/shot). For the comp artist to see the note, the coordinator must explicitly link the comp task. It's not easy to do in the heat of the moment, so it is often forgotten.

    Instead, we want to include notes where (Links -> Shot -> Shot Code == Current Task -> Links -> Shot -> Shot Code) on the *task*. That way the comp artist can see all relevant notes in context without having to bounce back and forth between the shot and task level.

    When (eventually) Pipeline Steps become first-class citizens of the entity world, we could limit that to only notes on upstream tasks to keep the signal-to-noise ratio down.

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    Kimberly LeBrane

    This would be very helpful. Especially the ability to compare dates and hours. Also would offer a good workaround for not being able to link versions to other versions.

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    kevin campbell

    another 'me too'

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    Dení C. Gloria

    This would be really useful for us too.

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    Stéphane Hoarau

    Yes, please !


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    Chris Jarvis

    This would be so helpful! Especially if you could compare dates!

    turn_row_red = entity['due_date'], 'is after', entity['planned_due_date']


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    Erwan Leroy

    Is there any word at all if some feature like this is planned?

    I also need to filter entities based on dates by comparing multiple dates. (Example: If shot due date > sequence due date, etc..)

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    Blaze Wallber

    I would like to see this in my facility so that I can format rows according to entity comparison. For example if the 'Next Delivery' date is set after the 'End' date, then the row should turn red.

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    Blaze Wallber

    Thanks for linking these tickets Tony - voted!

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