[DONE 1.12] Conditional Formatting

There are a few cases where it would be good if you could set up some kind of "conditional formatting" on fields. Just picking an example out of the air, you might want the "duration" field on tasks to have a blue background if it's greater than 5 days. Another example might be to make cut items that haven't had their "approved" column ticked to be highlighted red when looking at a cut history.


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    Rob Blau

    Or to flag Hi priority notes, or a million other uses.
    Yes please.


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    Don Parker

    This one is definitely on our priority list (ticket 2807), and we know there is a whole lot of value that can be added to the system by end users in this way.  Some things to consider:

    - Would this formatting work for the fields on all pages?  Or page specific?  Or both?

    - Would we also support explicit formatting?  Such as, make these fields yellow.  Guessing that would be page specific.

    - Would this formatting be done by an admin?  Or can any user do this for their pages?  (maybe admin at the field level and then everyone else at the page level if they have permissions to edit/save that page?)

    Another case we have in our ticket is to support conditions based on other fields on the same ticket.  So I might make the "task name" text red for tasks where the "end" date is [before] [today] and the "status" [is not] [fin].

    Thoughts?  I'd love to have more use cases for our ticket...

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    Andy Geers

    - I think having both page specific and global field-specific formatting would both be useful. If I had to choose one, I would go page specific

    - I like the suggestion of admins only on the field level but everybody else at the page level

    - Definitely would be good to have conditions based off other fields, or formatting the entire row based off one field.

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    Rob Blau

    I'd imagine this being a page specific configuration.  Explicit formatting and conditional formatting would be needed (mark all shots tagged as priority with a red background for example).  For permissions, I'm hoping that the new permissions system is rich enough to handle this kind of thing so that the decision of who can do what would be configuration information rather than code.

    This would be used for a lot of report pages... review items where the submitted frame range does not match the editorial cut, tasks where the actuals are over the bids, tasks whose end date has passed that are not finaled, shots tagged as priority, notes tagged as priority, all shots who have tasks active in the current week,... I could easily keep going.


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    Don Parker

    This was done in 1.12!!  Check her out:  https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/76206

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