Latest Version per Shot, etc.

I'm pretty sure this one is on your roadmap somehow, but I cannot tell you the number of times I get asked about this one: people constantly want to be able to pull up a list of versions which just shows you the latest version per shot. Currently the only way they can do this is pull up a list of all versions, group by shot, and then order within group by date. What they really want is to say "Group by shot" and then only show the first result for each group, in a flattened out list view without the annoying group headers.


It's not just versions, either - we have scanned background plates for each shot, and sometimes they want to show the most recent scan per shot. You get the idea.


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    Mike Romey

    Automation makes a lot of this possible. On a few of our entities such as versions we have a check box called 'sg_current'.   Prior to generating a new version of anything I check for older version of that link that have 'sg_current' checked 'on' and I turn them 'off' and create the new versions with the current field 'on'.  This works realy nice for us and doesn't necessarily need to be automated.



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    Don Parker

    So how would this query work if we were to add it in?  Is it the version with the latest created date for each unique linked entity?  Or are folks grouping by some other field and wanting the latest per group?

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    Andy Geers

    I see it as being related to the existing "Group by" functionality - you can already say "Group by shot", and you can already say "Sort within groups by date created", all you need then is an option that says "Only show the first result per group". But whether you really need all that flexibility in practice isn't clear - it's quite possible that having a hard coded "show most recently created item per unique linked entity" would suffice for 95% of what we need to do.

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    Mike Romey


    I really like this idea a lot.  We store our project hourly data in an entity.  We have two entries for each studio location.  Using your method I could group by loaction and filter out only the most current updated entry.  That would work for use really well since all the entries are created from cron scripts.  My vote is thumbs up in a big way.


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    Don Parker

    Another case where this would be useful is a list of elements or publishes per shot, with the latest per element/asset showing.

    If this is a group optoin, we'd have groups with 1 value, and grouping doesn't look that good in that case.  Seems like ideally things wouldn't be grouped, but you'd only see one value per intended group.  Hmm, have to think a bit more about how that would work, but I can see the value for sure.  Feel free to show me the way...

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    Andy Geers

    The feature we really want is to squash the first result per group down into a normal list, so it looks ungrouped. At it's simplist, we're just asking for a list of the latest version per shot. I just see the "Group By" thing as the means of configuring the page, rather than how the end result should look.

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    Andy Geers

    Also, I'd just like to stress how often I get asked for this - I probably get at least one call every week from different people wanting to know how to do this. I'd consider this much more than just a "nice to have"

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    Lisa Spence

    we're working on a script that will automatically package what we're shipping to the client nicely, and the plan is to include adding a field to each page that will include the filename, if not the link,  of the last version shipped.  i'm sure something similar could be packaged for every version, so whatever the latest is, both internally and externally, is displayed on the shot page.


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    Andy Geers

    Another common request related to this is to see the latest Note of a certain kind per shot. Same interface would work for this as for versions

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    Andy Geers

    Just a little prod to say I've been asked for this "latest version per shot per department" thing twice this week already - it's a very frequent request!

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    Bryan Holland


    The "latest" has several uses over here. The existing tool- Central Desktop publishes a digest with a %$@%storm of activity (non of it linked, correlated or...?)
     and some people use this to see what is happening in the building. BUT they really just want to see the latest stuff...

    The latest news( might create an Entity called News), the latest QT's, the latest versions, etc.

    We would use as a way to keep everyone up to date. Mostly read-only, click on a link kinda list.

    AND YES to the latest NOTE!!!

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    This would be useful.   In our experimental Nuke read node I have a python function isLatest(entity) which checks an entity to see if it's the latest approved version.   The last part of that being the unique addition I think would need to be added to this discussion.   Just because there is a new version, doesn't mean it's the "latest" version for us.   It has to have been checked and approved before being an official new version.  Our system is pretty simple filter by status where only "viewed" versions are considered real and then sort by id (we had problems with using date).

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    Warwick Hewett

    At the moment I am using playlist to store approved version of every shot that we use for delivery and archiving at a later point.

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    Dan Shumaker

    +1 Bump,   I need this feature now too.

    However, in version 1.13 (latest release) I believe the smart queries take care of this.  Has anyone upgraded and found out that this is taken care of?

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    Hey guys, Query Fields in 1.13 didn't quite solve this yet. We've bumped this up in priority though since clearly it's a priority for a lot of folks (rightly so). We're still working out details with how to best implement it though. Stay tuned... your voices are being heard.


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    Cam Langs

    Just wrote something to tag movies as latest  -  similar to Mike's checkbox idea.

    It works - but we would welcome a more elegant solution. Seems like query fields could do the trick - if extended.

    The api allows the return of a 'find' query to be sorted by an arbitrary field. For the summary - instead of summary count/sum/etc. you could say first/last and provide the field to evaluate on. ID or date created asc/dsc should do the trick. Feels consistent and shotgun like.



    Apologies if this can already be done with query fields - I couldn't seem to crack it.

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    Antoine Marbach

    Any solution with Shotgun 2.0.4 to have latest version of all shots?

    thank you


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    Kate Phillips

    I just came to the forum to add a request for exactly this option and was quite freaked out to find it already on the front page! It's nice to know I'm not alone; please add me to the list of people keen to see this one implemented.


    The way I wanted to use it was to enable us to put together a playlist for a 'State of the Show' review after Temp delivery, so we could run through the latest version of every shot which isn't already an Approved or Proposed Final. It's obviously easy to build a query to identify the right shots but automatically pulling in the appropriate versions defeated me. This would be a crazily useful addition to the Query Builder.




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    Antoine Marbach


    Does someone from shotgun have any update on this issue?

    Many thanks


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    Chris Nokes (RSVFX)

    I'll add my 2 cents in too.....

    I'm getting the request to be able to look at a list of shots and see the latest delivered version per shot.  Having that kind of functionality would be great.

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    William Ullman

    Yes, seeing this was rather disheartening... spent some time trying to figure out a way to this solution.


    Would be an unbelievable time-saver to be able to see the latest version of an asset/shot/scene etc.  Would love to hear an update!



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    Don Parker

    Hey all, we hear you on this one.  It's in the list for consideration for 2.2, which we're starting in a couple weeks.  I'll report back!

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    Kay Cloud

    We're evaluating shotgun/tank now and this is certainly a key feature that we will need.  Did it make it into the 2.2 feature list?


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    Don Parker

    Hi Kay and all, we divided this feature into two parts, the first of which made it into 2.2:

    1.  An option in the query fields to filter for a single record.  This allows you to choose a query, then a field to sort by.  So you can do things like create a field that shows the latest Version of a Shot.  Here's a look at the UI to configure that field:


    She'll be out to you all in 2 to 3 weeks!


    2.  The second tool here would be a way update a list of records to only see the "latest" of any particular attribute.   A common use for this would be to filter a page of Versions down to only see only the latest per Shot (the one with the most recent creation date per unique linked entity).  This likely will be a filter operation, though we've been debating other approaches as well.  We're still in thinking mode on this one, but it's up in the top 4 inches of our priority list!


    (Note that the other big feature in 2.2 is task dependencies!)

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    Cam Langs

    Hey Don,

    This looks great! Can 'Display field on version' be a link field?

    Currently with query fields - the summarize field list has certain fields greyed out. I can see this logic when returning multiple entries - a summary of links is nonsensical. However when returning 1 record it is extremely useful to have access to all the fields on that record.

    The most common request I get is 'I want to look at a list of shots, for any given shot I want to play the latest movie from that page'.





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    Don Parker

    Hi Cam, the menu below "Display this Version field" is a list of all the fields on the Version entity.  That can be a link to a movie, or even a thumbnail.  This should address the use case you're hearing a lot.  (note the screenshot below is on our demo server where I've made a lot of random fields on the Version entity!)


    But to be clear, that menu does not include the Version entity "linked fields" (fields on the linked Shot, for example) because we couldn't think of a use case for that.  Think that's ok?

  • 0

    This was included as an additional summary option for Query Fields in our v2.2 release.

    Docs are available here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/327840-query-fields

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    kevin campbell


    i would still really like option 2 in the Oct-06 2010 11:49 pm post.


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    Paul Hudson
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    Hugh Macdonald

    How have I not seen this before? I've been after this one for a few years now...!


    So, to go back to Andy's first request, to have the ability to be showing a Versions page, grouped by Shot, and only showing the latest, would be something I would consider very useful/important. Better would be to make all of these customisable, so showing an <Entity> page, grouped by <Field>, showing the first X sorted by Y.


    Additionally, related to Don's post from November 2010, would be the ability to create a Query field that acts like a standard Entity field. So that I can add columns for the fields in the linked (via query) entity without having to create a new query for each field.

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