Current Day filter

Right now the 'today' token resolves to the current date when you save it in a filter.  Would like a dynamic 'Current Day' option for filters so that any time you look at the page it will always filter for that particular day.

Would also be nice to have a 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' that work this way, or to allow simple operations, such as 'current date + 5 days' or 'current date - 1 week'.

I think I've emailed about this feature before, but the priority for this kind of filter just got escalated - would be very useful in getting some of our important weekly production reports into SG.




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    Rob Blau

    bump.  :)

    We're trying to get some weekly views of data, and while we can get something like 'tasks due this week', we can't get something like 'tasks active this week', ie "Start is before end of current week" and "End is after start of current week".


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    Don Parker

    Hey guys, this is included in the 1.7 release.  We're calling them "floating days", and you can choose "yesterday", "today", and "tomorrow".  If you choose the current date from the calendar, we then insert the explicit date instead of "today".  Behold:


    You can check this out in the the 1.7 screencast.

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    Rob Blau

    Don, would that address the case I have, where I want a rolling weeklong window covering the current week?

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    Mike Romey

    You would probably want filter like these:

    - Most Current

    - Most Current Day

    - Most Current Week

    - Most Current Month

    This is an interesting subject and directly relates to my topic about a scheduling gap report.  I recenlty completed coding the gap report and in order to do so I had to do some weird stuff just like what Rob Blau had mentioned.  I had to do something like ["Start", "is before", date] and ["End", "is after", date] .  It became even more of a cluster in that I needed the ability to do a more specific condition.  It would be nice to also include the following conditions"

     - "is on or before"

     - "is on or after"






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    Don Parker

    Rob, good point.  You can filter [end] [is in calendar week] [current], but that doesn't really get you want you want.  Maybe we add floating days for each day of the current week?  See the enclosed screen.


    Mike, would this also address the scenarios you are thinking about?

    I know Tommy also want's the offset:  (today + 3d)

    Then what else would we be missing?

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    Rob Blau

    That would be enough for me to do the things I've wanted to do.  As an aside though, if you're familiar with perl's Time::ParseDate library (http://search.cpan.org/~muir/Time-modules-2003.0211/lib/Time/ParseDate.pm), something akin to that would blow me away (there aren't many things I miss about perl, but that library is one).  Using that kind of flexible time specifer with conditions akin to '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '<>' would do anything I could think of.


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    Mike Romey

    Don,  the offset would be great, but does not necessarily simplify the issue.  Without '<=', '>=' it gets sticky trying to filter out a day.  Here is an example:

    ['start_date', 'is before + 1d', date] and ['due_date', 'is after - 1d', date]

    When all that is really needed is '<=' and '>='. or  "is on or before" and "is on or after"

    Rob, Looking over the Time::ParseDateLibrary.   They have some really good stuff.  The examples are great.  Personally I kinda prefer more traditional conditions like '=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '<>'





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    Don Parker

    Romey, can you give me some real world examples of the type of report you'd be trying to make with those queries?  I'm trying to get my head around what's missing...

    I suppose we could have a text field for conditions, though I'm just curious where the UI falls over (thinking about all those non-technical folks building queries).

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    Don Parker

    FYI, this is ticket 6913 on our end.

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    Eli Rarey

    I want to add my vote for a "today + 3d" feature...

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    Just bumped into this 2 days ago too.   +#d would be great. 

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