Including Project name in email notifications

I've had some feedback from producers who work across multiple projects that it would really help them if the email notifications (received when a note is created) included the project name in the subject line.


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    Andy Geers

    Hi there,

    Any thoughts on this? I'm getting more and more requests about this one, as we increasingly have people working on more than one show who want to be able to set up filters within their mail program.

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    Stu Aitken

    this would be important for us too - we actually use a short name for this internally (ie [PROJ] as opposed to the official 'long name' which is usually something like "A####_clientName_projectName"

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    Rebecca Downes

    I'll chip in my 2c as well - we prefix all project-specific emails with the short project name here too.  With multiple shows running, t's difficult to filter down emails otherwise.  

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    Don Parker

    Yep, makes sense.  I just made a feature ticket about allowing you to customize how the subject lines are formed so you can make the design decisions.  (internal ticket 8069)

    I have one short-term workaround that *may* help until we get this feature implemented. In the site preferences, you can customize the fields that show up in the shaded box inside the email body.  Here you can add the Project name or code which can then be picked up by a mail filter.  I know this does not help with quick inbox scanning, but I think most email filters allow you to filter on text in the email body for those looking to filter project emails into folders.

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    ed mendez

    Don, Did the customizing the subject line make it into the current version? I was not able to find this option, searching help brought me here.

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    Stephen Chiu

    Ed, your search has brought you to the right place! Good news, this ticket is slated for our 2.4 Release. We'll keep you posted as soon as it's released...

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    Stephen Chiu

    Doing some house-cleaning on the forums--just closing this feature as done for anyone else interested! This feature is in the Admin > Site Preferences > Email Layouts and User Defaults > Subject Line Templates:


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    Ross Kakuschke


    reviving an old thread...

    I have a request to add the sequence to the note email subject line. Currently, it displays the note_links field, which is typically linked to a shot, but our shots are associated with a Sequence entity, and they'd like to include that name. I'm wondering if it's possible to do this (the sequence is linked to the shot via an entity field).



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    Ben Hadden

    Ross, it's not something we can support at the moment.  If you had more than one Shot linked to the Note, then Shotgun wouldn't know which Shot's Sequence to put in the subject line.  We could do them all, but that might get messy and would require a little custom code to implement on our end.

    I'm curious, is this to help with sorting/parsing the emails so people can automatically send them to the right folder?  If so, are you including your Sequence names in your Shot names (e.g. Shot 10 in Sequence 10 would be Shot Code: 010_010)?

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