Multiple "New Entity" form configurations

At the moment, the "New Entity" forms seem to be configured on a per-entity-type basis and is then the same globally (across all projects and pages), i.e. you can set up how the "New Shot" form looks, but it's then the same globally.


I can see why this probably has to be this way, but we now have two different departments using "Tickets" in fairly different ways, meaning they have very different needs for what fields they use (e.g. users submitting requests for department A are going to be really confused when they  get asked to fill in various fields that only make sense for department B). Is there any way that these forms could be configured based on context somehow?

The tough thing is to figure out how to minimise the number of times you need to configure this - it would be a pain to have to configure them over and over again on every single page that you could create tickets from. But one of our departments uses their own special Project, so if you could have a default configuration for Department B and then tickets created from Department A's project get a special new layout, maybe that could work?


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    Nephi Sanchez Official comment

    Hi Everyone,


    Excited to let you all know that in today's 7.11 release we have added the ability to make per-project entity creation forms!  Hopefully this gives you all some mileage.  If you feel like we still need multiple configurations within projects, let us know.


    Check out complete 7.11 release notes here:





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    Joe Frayne

    This seems like a feature we would want, as well: per-project config "overrides".


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    These are both good points. I have added it as a feature request to our internal system as ticket 8188. We'll see if we can get it scheduled. Let us know if you have other use cases for this one too.

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    Jon Cowley

    Trying to set this up right now as well. Have facilities overseas and facilities here and I would like to have separate "New Version" forms for each facility. Has there been any progress on this?

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    Stephen Chiu

    Hey Jon, we'll be sure to update this thread on new developments. In the meantime, for anyone else interested in this feature, please report back on your use-cases as it would be great to gather them all and tackle the designs on this. Thanks in advance for weighing in and standing by!

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    Stephen Chiu

    Also, you may consider using our Custom URLs to load full page entity creation forms (and passing values to the forms depending on what fields you want to pre-populate). This could be useful if you want to direct some users or a department to a URL widget for creating new entities.

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    Burnett, Chris

    We have found ourselves a need for this option as well. We would like about 5-7 additional fields to show up when a QA ticket is created, but have these fields hidden for any other type of ticket. I like the option that some fields are required to be filled in, and that is why I would like the fields to be official fields in a QA type ticket. These fields would not be required for any other type and would cause an issue if they were marked as "required". We would also like to only show a limited amount of fields that have to do with that type so that it is not overwhelming when creating a ticket.

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    Gary Chadwick

    In our case, we tend to have projects using different systems, and it would be a lot more flexible to customise different projects to specifically match with how each project works than having to make one generic submitter that means some projects display less important fields in the form. It especially causes confusion when people switch from one project to another and forgot which project they're creating an entity on.

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    Michael Oliver

    Any chance we can bump this?  It's been 7 years since the initial request.  Just need to be able to save new entity layouts (ie. +Version) on a per project basis rather than a global one.

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    Hannes Reindl

    How many votes do we need to get this feature, it is something i did run into also a few times already

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