Sorting by Status: display the long name please

One of those minor irritants that irritate nonetheless: sorting by "status" displays the short name ("cmp", "hld", "ip" &c.) instead of the more intelligible "Complete", "Hold", or "In Progress".  The latter would be prefereable.



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    Isaac Reuben

    Pliny, good point!  What if it even showed the short name, icon, *and* long name when grouping by status, like we do in the status field config dialog or status menus in the grid?  I think we'll want to also offer display options in the grid for status in general, as to whether you want to show the icon, short name, or long name on a particular page.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    I'm always for _more_ options.  I would opt for a combination of icon + long name when sorting.  Simple visual cues are good.  Don't see where I'd ever care about seeing the short name in the GUI, though--apart from "Add field to entity" dialog.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)


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    Permanently deleted user

    We've recently gotten the request to be able to display long names instead of icons. Seems like it would be very useful.

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