Contextual menu functionality for attaching Notes

Forgive me if this is already available somewhere.

ATM the contextual functions are not as intuitive as they could be. In particular it would make sense to be able to work with notes for an asset or shot by doing the following:

  1. right-clicking on the shot/asset and selecting Add Note / Edit Note / Delete Note from the context menu
  2. clicking on the shot/asset and selecting Add Note / Edit Note / Delete Note from the + menu

Is this available somewhere? Is it something that others might find useful?


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    Don Parker

    Hi Peter, we agree with you on this one.  I think you should also be able to add tasks to a group of selected assets/shots.  Both of these are on our list.  Here is a screen design we have for how that will work:


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    Bryan Holland


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Related to this, would it be possible to get something similar in place for addressing notes?

    The main (and perhaps only) use case for this is when you create a new note and link it to a shot.  I would love it if there were a way to easily address (as the to or cc) everyone who has an assigned task on the shot.  Also, an extension of this would be the ability to address to a task type of a particular assignee on the shot (i.e. whoever is doing the compositing).

    I know you can to a certain degree do this by creating groups for the assignees on each shots (cron through the API, say), but then you'll end up having an enormous clutter of groups.  There are some mechanisms in place already to help with making one assignment, like in a review, where it will address it to the person who submitted the version, but you almost always end up wanting/needing to cc *somebody*.

    I'm always pushing the production people here to stop blanket addressing the crew in their notes (so as to avoid the dreaded notes spam), and having this in Shotgun would make a *huge* difference, I think...


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    Bryan Holland

    I concur.

    Notes to a specific team not the entire Dept.

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