Alternative Detail Pages

You know how when you look at a list page, you get buttons for different views (like "List View", "Card View", "Thumbnail View", etc.)? It'd be awesome if on a *detail* page, you also got a selection of buttons like this, that simply let you set up alternative views for different classes of user (e.g. a Production View, an Artist View, an Editorial View, etc.) since we often have different users with very conflicting interests (for a new user/artist, the default Shot page layout we have is TOTALLY overwhelming, for example!). It'd be good if different users could specify what their default view was, too (so a brand new user would see the minimal artist layout, even if they were in fact a producer, and then once they'd become more familiar with Shotgun itself they could opt into the more info-intensive production view) rather than, say, tying it directly to their permissions group.


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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    I haven't rolled out SG to my staff yet, but Andy makes a very good point, and I'd like to second this request.  SG is *so* flexible that it can be overwhelming to your average right-brained end-user.

    This request probably plays into granularity of user settings (and permissions, for that matter) which is another can of worms.

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    Don Parker

    That's a good idea.  We've been hearing the request for different detail page layouts for a while now, but we hadn't yet thought through the implementation.  Of course, using buttons means you can only reasonably have 2 to 6 modes before you have a usability problem and lots of clutter.  Maybe a dropdown list?

    Here's a related question for you.  We've been talking lately about "Departments" as official entities in Shotgun that people are linked to.  We currently have "type" for tasks and "groups" for arbitrary groups of people, but a dept could be an official thing each person is linked to (and they can be linked to more then one maybe).  We'll use dept for lots of things, but perhaps we need to use them here too.  Perhaps there is a detail view per dept, which defaults to the user's current department but allows them to check out the other views.  Does that sound right?

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    I would love to have the idea of "Departments" working for us.  And because we are a small front-end shop, there are a few users who would fall into more than one department, but would have a default MAIN department.  

    How does one go about specifying a User's department(s) and where can I get more info about them?




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    Permanently deleted user

    Departments are useful for organizing people - good for filtering and grouping in your display. You can access Departments by either creating a new Page of type Department or selecting Other->Department from a Project nav bar.

    However, unlike Groups, you cannot address notes to Departments or assign Tasks to Departments. In those instances, you'll want to stick with Groups.

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    Alexey Borzykh

    Facing that case my vote for a drop down list of saved views, similar to saved filters we have now. This way we could have a number of different workspaces for each details view. 

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