Bread Crumbs in Dashboard

I don't get the usual "bread crumbs" backwards navitation starting from a Dashboard tab and then clicking into a different view.  Have to use the browser "back" button.  I think the bread crumbs are still appropriate when within the context of a single project.  (Especially when you're slathering on custom entities...).



EDIT: Attached two screen grabs.

Picture 7a shows a project dashboard.  The first tab shows the jobs attached to the project.  Jobs are a custom entity to which actual scopes of work are attached.

Picture 8a shows the job detail view.  Notice that I have "lost my way" -- no bread crumbs back to the dashboard -- so I have to use the browser button, and it's less clear where the page lives inside the context of the app.



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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    To clarify: bread crumbs are present inside a project's context when starting from individual project pages, but _not_ when clicking through from a dashboard tab.

    I've added some screen grabs from the original post to illustrate.

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    Don Parker

    Yep, roger that.  This happens because currently our breadcrumbs don't display if you *start* on a detail page.  To test this, open any detail page in a new tab (which should load the page w/out breadcrumbs) and then click on any other entity in one of the tabs.  I think we made this call way back when before project dashboards were a common place to start a "path".  I've made a ticket for us to change this behavior (internal ticket 8112).

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Great--that will be a very useful feature to have.

    On a semi-related note, is there any great advantage to using "official project pages" vs. simply moving those desired views into Dashboard tabs?

    I am leaning toward the latter.  It seems cleaner, and although I sacrifice a little bit of vertical real estate, visually it anchors me better to the project's context. This means that in effect I would only have *one* page under each project--Dashboard.

    My question is, am I overlooking any unforseen functional or UI consequences going this route? So far I have not noticed any.

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    Don Parker

    Hi Pliny.  You are not overlooking any functionality by saving all pages as tabs on the Dashboard.  In fact, I'd love to see how that works for you.  Many of our clients have too many pages for this approach, so they store them in folders and sub folders in the left nav to keep them organized.  Your call.

    Although... in 1.9 we moved the Quick Jump over to the top of the left nav.  Right now, it only finds matches for detail pages, but we're likely going to add support for it to find matches on pages since it now feels like it should do that.  If you save tabs on the Dash, then that feature won't provide benefit (though you can jump to any project dashboard).  Here is a look at what that Quick Jump update in 1.9 looks like:


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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    I like the visual cue that the dashboard gives me: you're in project X now.  On a project page, all I have to orient myself is the highlighted item in the left nav (pretty subtle).

    This goes back to the whole configurable-widgets topic, but I that kind of feature would do well to play with individual project pages to provide some context and possibly navitagtion as well.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Building out some custom entities in 3.0, I'm suddenly wondering where the bread crumbs went. Did I miss something? Don't see any at all.

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    Armando Ricalde

    I miss them too

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