adding notes to tasks

we've discovered that by quick jumping to a specific task it brings up a detail sheet for that task that has a UI button for adding a note linked to that task (ie as opposed to the parent entity it itself is linked to)

strangley there doesn't seem to be any other method of doing this - ie adding notes via a list view of tasks for instance (there doesn't seem to be anyway to navigate to the task detail sheet either from any of the task list views, you have to use the quick jump feature)

adding notes to specific tasks seems to be something that people here would want to do frequently :)


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    Stu Aitken

    on further investigation it seems that the column formatting setting (ie from right click context menu)  "render as link to detail page" isn't doing that for tasks for some reason (but you CAN access a detail page by using the quick jump feature so I know there is one) - is this a bug?

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    Don Parker

    Hi Stu, we actually have a site preference that defines which entities have detail pages.  The default template we gave you had them turned off for tasks, but I just turned them back on.  The site pref page is here:  http://YOURSITENAMEHERE.shotgunstudio.com/preferences  The particular preference for this is called "disable_detail_page_for_entities".  Docs on our preferences are here.  Note that we're working on the redesign of those prefs now which will be included in release next week.

    However, it does seem like pages w/out detail pages should not show up in the QuickJump menu and should not actually then have detial pages.  I'll make a note to go in and clean that up.

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    Stu Aitken

    cool - thanks for the tip :)

    does seem on notes that the generic linking autosuggestion stuff doesn;t work quite as nicely as it could if you want to do 'deep linking' as I think you guys call it

    I'll echo the previous FR for someway of addding noted to things from a context menu as well as current methods - or a custom and permenant button to add notes (ie wether you are on the notes tab or not) on the universal tab bar

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    I just added a related request to add entity-linked notes quickly + with fewer clicks: https://shotgunsoftware.zendesk.com/forums/31278/entries/44410/

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