Calculated Fields

Ben: I'm editing this idea to have it reflect our latest thinking. 

In order to move forward on this feature, we'll need to pick a list of the most popular uses cases for calculated fields and how our clients need to use these fields. Please reply to this thread with these details:

  1. Examples of calculated fields you would make. Typically, this is phased as [Entity.Field 1] [some operator] [Entity.Field 2] in [unit]. For example, "Task.Bid times Task.Rate in dollars".
  2. What you need to do with the calculated field value: filter? sort? group? access via API?

Here is the list we've heard so far from support tickets:

  • Shot Bid minus Shot Actual in days
  • Shot Bid multiplied by Shot Cost in dollars
  • Task Bid time Task Cost in pounds (totaled at the Shot level)
  • Task Duration divided by # of People in Assigned To in days (Duration in Man Days)
  • Task Duration multiplied by Person’s Rate in dollars
  • Shot Estimated End minus Shot Estimated Start in days
  • Time Logged Duration multiplied by Person’s Rate in dollars
  • MocapTake Frame Out - Frame In in frames
  • MocapTake Frame Duration divided by 24 in seconds
  • Shot Cut Duration Divided by Shot Total Duration in frames
  • Task End Date minus Today in days

I'll update this ticket as we evolve the spec and have designs.


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    Dennis SH Lai

    Lean v1 is already awesome as it is now. +1 on getting it now than wait for more full featured one. Even as simple as it is now it help us solve a lot of issues where we have to enter number by hand.






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    Michal M.

    Any updates on release date of calculated fields?  :-)

    We are in a stage, we would appreciate it very much. So our question is a) wait for your implementation, or b) do it some other way (ie. export csv from SG-> excel calculations-> import data to SG) ?



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    Darn, was hoping this was already implemented ;) Yea running into road block as well.

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    Kristen Smith

    Typical sum fields similar to how Excel calculates.  Ex. Field 1 + Field 2 = Field 3 and being able to use other calculations such as multiply, divide, etc.

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    Marijn Eken

    +1 on getting that limited version now. I want to do something very simple (just divide by a constant), which is all I need right now.

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    Diego Viezzoli

    Any update for this useful feature?  :)

    It would be very useful to have this as it was seen at your hackathon last february:


    It looks great! 

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    Checking in on updates for this feature. This is a top priority feature in our book. 

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    Julien Virgile

    Hello !

    Coming from Mikros Image ! These calculatef fields would be absolutely awesome !

    When can we hope to have this implemented ?


    It seems like a dream come true :)


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    HI All,


    Needed this one yesteryear and would love to beta it...


    Thanks for the awesome software otherwise.



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    Hristo Velev

    +1 here!

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    Michael Fisher


    If this exists, could you please expose it on my site?

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    Aaron Bradbury

    Hi All,


    I would really like to see this implemented. Our current use request is to add a duration field to the booking entity and calculate this from the start and end date. Hopefully then we'll be able to calculate crew requirements and costa for upcoming projects very quickly using the crew planner and some additional graphs.


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    Howard Jones

    Yes I would vote for this

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    Beau Parsons

    Still no implementation of this? We need something like this asap, and it seems it has been forgotten. Not being able to do calculations is seriously limiting. Even if something is not fully integrated simple functionality would be a huge step up

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    Travis Mosley

    I suppose I will scream into the void that is an 8-year-old feature request thread.

    This would be super handy. It's much simpler to setup and maintain than doing it off of triggered events. And, in the case of the Task duration fields, there is specific functionality you can't replicate in triggers (which is access to the site scheduling preferences).


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    Kalpesh Revawala

    Calculated filed should also include custom Query fields which are of 'Field Type': Float/Number/Currency/Calculated field or any field which has numeric values

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