Give Custom Entities Full Rights As Citizens

Task Templates don't recognize Custom entities in the "Entity Type" field (which is not an editable field).  See attached.

The same goes for a number of other non-editable "Link" fields.  I'm building workarounds by adding custom "Entity" type fields where appropriate.  Bummer is, the SG factory-default "Link" fields are smart enough to auto-populate entity links in a context-sensitive manner, but the user-generated "Link" fields are not.

Feature requests:

  1. Let the "factory-default" "Link" fields see custom entities
  2. Conversely, allow user-generated "Link" fields to auto-populate based on context

Attachments for clarification:

  • Picture 19: No custom entities visible when I create an Task Template
  • Picture 20: No custom entities pop up in the "Link" field when I create a new task (typing "batch" should recognize over 70 of my custom entities)
  • Picture 21: When creating a new task from within a custom entity detail view, SG *does* auto-populate a link to that custom entity into the "Link" field.  Cool!  Now, can I get that same behavior for user-created "Entity" type fields as well?



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    Ryan Mayeda

    Another thing, related to this, is the ability to define task type lists for custom entities.  Right now, I think you just get an aggregation of all the task types for the entities that you're allowed to specify lists for (ex. asset, shot, etc.).


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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    I think the SG guys are working hard to make custom entities more fully integrated into the app; so I suspect most of this is known.  I'll keep belaboring the point all the same, since my SG implementation only very loosely based on default entities...

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    Don Parker

    Ryan, we might be getting to your request in this next release as we dive in to some rethinking on how those task summaries work (the screens I showed you at lunch a while back).  I'll know more in 2 to 3 weeks.

    The tool to make your own entities isn't currently planned for a specific release, but it's in the top 12 inches of our todo list.  We hear you.

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    Nephi Sanchez

    Another right to give to the future full-citizen Custom Entity:  Open Notes and Open Notes count fields.

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    Susan Standen


    I would love to have "Let the "factory-default" "Link" fields see custom entities", as I have used a custom entity for Meetings.

    I need Open Notes as a configurable field and I also need to be able to link back to  meeting from a note when the link is accidentally broken by changing the meeting name. At the moment this is not possible. I want full citizen rights on my custom entities.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Tangential to this: Just tried to create a task template on a custom entity.  Oops.  No go.  Currently limited to: Asset, Shot, Element, Launch, Scene, Sequence.

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    Susan Standen

    We are scheduling turnovers as in the sequence schedule at https://shotgunsoftware.zendesk.com/forums/32073/entries/49455, and running into the same issues : no task templates and my new entity fields cannot be searched for across the linked fields drop downs. The open notes would also be useful.

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    Susan Standen

    I need to add my 2 custome entities Meetings and Turnovers to the list of Asset, Element, File, Pod, Scene, Shot, Version that appears in the linked field list.

    How far away are these full citizen rights ?

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    Don Parker

    Pliny and Susan,  adding tasks, task summaries, and task templates on all entities is coming in our next release in 5 to 7 weeks.  We'll then be closer to doing the same for "open notes", though probably won't make it into that release, though I'll make a note about that.

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    Susan Standen

    Thanks Don. Also I am wondering whether I will then be able to import bulk tasks into a custom entity without running into errors of 'field not found' for the linked field Turnover?

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    Don Parker

    Susan, do you mean importing tasks on a task page where the "link" field contains the name of one of your custom entities?  So tasks linked to the "turnover"?

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    Susan Standen

    Yes that's it, but guess what, it works now ! hmmm, not sure why I got an error before.

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    Don Parker

    Hey all, this is now done with the 1.11 release!  You can enable Tasks on any entity in the Site Prefs, and you can modify the "Links" field on Notes to allow linking notes to any entity.  Check out the release notes for 1.11 here:  https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/88372

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    Armando Ricalde

    Don, we are not allowed to edit the docs :-)

    The link should be:

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    Don Parker

    Armando, what do you mean?  My link was perfect!



    (ok, thanks for the tip - updated it)

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