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    Grand indeed. I've added it as internal ticket sg8248. What if we had a small library of icons to choose from would that be enough? Or would you really rather upload your own?


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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Library might be nice, but I don't see how you could cover all eventualities there. If you are already devising a system to upload custom status fields + status icons, would this not be a logical extension?

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    hmmm my comment sounded incredulous... but that's not how I meant it... It's definitely the logical extension to upload your own. I was more wondering if some might find it useful to have a library as well if you didn't want to have to mess with creating your own.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Damn, I just fired my 10 full-time icon designers.

    So yes, an icon library would be quite useful.

    Now, I'll put my animated emoticon feature request in a separate post ...

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    ha ha, I want to add support for the blink tag in Shotgun but everyone keeps throwing things at me. :)

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    While you're at it, I want SG 2.0 to be 100% in Comic Sans.

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    Ryan Mayeda

    I second this request!  A library of icons to choose from would be great, I'm guessing I'd tend to try those first, then make my own as a last resort.

    Also, any chance I can get a swanky new "Shotgun" icon for use in internal tools that integrate with Shotgun?  :)

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    Don Parker

    I think we're going to have to add some code in to prohibit animated gif icons, especially if they blink on/off.  Sometimes you have to take a stand, you know?

    Ryan, emailing you the icon...

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    Susan Standen

    I have added a new Custom Entity called Meetings and would love to have a "meeting" icon - shall I send through a jpeg?

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Hey, can I do this yet? I was just messing with some custom entities and it doesn't seem that I can assign them custom icons they way I can with custom statuses. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Pliny,

    Not possible yet, but high on our list.  We use quite a few custom entities ourselves and would get a lot of value out of this feature.  Coming soon I hope.

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    Brandon Bartlett

    Can we make our custom entities all pretty-like yet?

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Brandon,

    Not yet. Still something we want to do, but needs some work to make it easy and functional.

    Please hit the "Me Too' button at the top to weigh in on features you find important.



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    Douglas Lassance

    I am unsure about the consequences on the back-end but I suppose that it would also be nice if you could create custom entities as you need them instead of having 30 or so predefined ones always there. Would make browsing entities a little neater.

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    Returning to this thread 6 years later - as a CustomNonProjectEntity junkie, I'd still love to see this feature.

    Barring that, is there some documentation on the CSS method Tony Aiello is using? Or is Tony rocking a local SG deployment?

    Separately, I second Douglas' request for arbitrary custom entities. Sounds like something is in the offing; if so I very much look forward to the feature.

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    Tony, thanks for the info & the offer. CSS hacking not an issue, but since we're 100% hosted it looks like a non-starter at this point. Cheers!

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    Gavin Greenwalt

    You could roll this out as a Chrome/Firefox/Safari plugin pretty easily using the Laika approach but as CSS injection.  But then you would also have to figure out a way to push the plugin out to everyone who wants it.   

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    David Rix

    Would it be possible to change the "Task" icon to something other than a check mark? A number of our users confuse it with approval status. (Being able to customise it would also solve the problem.)

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    Scott A. Shapiro

    Custom icons for custom entities would be nice. 

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    Dennis --DJ-- Hauck

    Seems this request has been around for a while, but just another endorsement for custom icons on custom entities.

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    Anthony Kramer

    Please add this feature.

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