Browse Dialog Window for "Paths to Frames"

Would be nice if the paths to frames field could pop up a file browser like the upload button but just for folders.  (I know windows has this.  Can't remember if Mac and Linux have equivalent modal dialogs).  


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    Don Parker

    Hi Gavin, we're having an internal summit soon to talk about how to better deal with files in general, which includes support to browse to folders or files to make links that can be clicked on in the browser to open the file or jump you into the file system.  I think we're going to do a push on this in one of our sprints after Siggraph.  We'll report back!

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    Timor Kardum

    It would also be nice if one could easily copy a set path. Right now if i RMB on a link (for example in a new version) i can only replace, remove, or edit, but unfortunately i cannot copy the full path to the clipboard. Did I maybe miss sth.?

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Timor, because of security reasons the browser won't let you copy a file system path--but there are a few workarounds to this.  Would you be ok with us exposing the file path as a text string (maybe as an overlay), which you could copy and paste?  Let me know and I'll create a feature request for this.

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    Timor Kardum

    Hi Ben,

    that sounds like it could work for us...thanks!

    This is actually a very crucial feature for us, as we send file paths through IM all the time!

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