My Pages (particularly notes) sans frames

Mobile Webkit browsers aren't really able to handle the frames.  They render everything great.  Just don't know what to do about the frames and have trouble scrolling.

It would be great if there was a very primitive web version.  Up top could just be a box with all the "My Pages" page links.  Then render the entire page (which renders fine) without frames and we can scroll around to our heart's content.   At the bottom there could just be a "next page" button if needed, but no need for configuring results per page, refresh results button, add, the top bar, the quick jump.  None of that.  Just the main content page with a simple nav box up top.

- Top priority would be if open notes pages were frame free and had a link to the 'mobile' version in emails sent to make it easier to reply to notes from one's phone.


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