Adding users to projects is kind of a pain

Unless I missed a huge boat, adding users to projects is a huge pain.  To wit:

  • We handle many, small jobs (and fewer, larger ones) on a weekly basis.  A great example would be a one-day or half-day color correct session for commercial dailies.
  • Regardless of whether a project only has one or two actual artists attached, there are still plenty of other people who need to see it: producers, admin, sales, post PAs, and muckedy-mucks (like me).
  • In fact, in all but a few cases, I need my entire post staff to have access to all post jobs.

Now, manually entering each Post employee's name, plus a handful of other support staff, is very cumbersome when you are churning many projects every week.  And people easily slip through the cracks and can't see all of their projects.

Two proposed solutions:

  1. Allow me to add GROUPS to the "Users" field in the "New project" dialog.  This would remove 50% of our pain.
  2. Allow admins to define which users and/or groups are added by default to ALL new projects.

Anyone else having this problem?  I can see how shops that handle fewer, larger projects would not have this concern--but we do.



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    Rob Blau

    In addition to #1 and #2, we have relatively long form projects where the PM for the project coordinates what artists are on/off and when.  It would be great if that PM could be setup as a Manager for their projects and from that point on they'd be allowed to manage who has access to the project.  That would keep all permissions tweaks from becoming admin requests.


    BTW: Was great seeing folks during SIGGRAPH.



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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Rob has hit the nail on the head here - I'd like to keep down admin requests so SG drives itself as much as possible.  Virtually every job is touched in some way by some post employee: admin staff checks in media; lab staff checks in, logs, and sets up tranfers; colorists output; producers manage; billing generates invoices.

    Right now we have to manually add all of these people, one by one, to each new project.  And if someone slips through the cracks it causes confusion since we assume everybody is receiving notes, tasks, etc.

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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Going to bump this topic just because it really is a thorn in the flesh, at least for us.

    Again, we have to manually add a dozen more more artists, producers, techs, and admin staff to every new job we create.  Since we are turning over many jobs per week and sometimes per day, this is laborious but also allows for human error.  (A user gets forgotten, can't see a project, doesn't get "Notes" emails etc.)

    I should at very least be able to add an entire user group to a new project--not just individual "People".

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    Bryan Holland

    bump bump

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    Philip Scadding

    I know this is old, but we also have this problem, is there a solution to this now?

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