bulk upload??

Many of the new tools allow for a drag n drop AND/OR bulk upload.

NOT from a CSV.

I know we can write some stuff to do that...

BUT is it on the timeline for SG??




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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Bryan, the bulk importer wants tab-separated values, not comma-separated.  You can open a CSV in any spreadsheet app (Excel, Numbers), then highlight the whole table and copy to clipboard.  That will give you tab-separated text.  Did you check the v1.8 release video for the bulk importer blow-by-blow?

    Sorry if this is all stuff you already know.  But I use the import tool frequently, and with a lot of success.

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    Bryan Holland


    Thanks for the response- but I must be missing something.

    YES, I saw the video, but i does NOT upload either a file (video,psd, etc.) or a thumbnail...

    only text fields.

    SO- can I bulk upload a stack of images, stack of videos, or...?


    Central Desktop, for example-  uses a Java applet for drag n drop (jpgs, MP3, mov's,...)

     most other Saas collab tools allow for a file upload for the masses.

    I am JUST starting to get my users to dip their toes :)


    thanks again



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    Pliny (John Eremic)

    Gotcha - you're looking to bulk-upload other field types that cannot be represented with text.  Not possible AFAIK, at least not thru the importer tool.

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    Bryan Holland


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    Don Parker

    Bryan, this is on our list FOR SURE.  I'm a bit embarrassed it's not in there yet, but other things keep edging that out on our priority list.  I'd hope this is done w/in the next 4 months.

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    Don Parker

    BTW, this is ticket sg4571 on our end.

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    Chris Immroth
    Is there any update on this? We'd love to be able to load a directory full of reference art.
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    Don Parker

    Hi Chris, I was just writing Ben Fischler an email about this.  We have this one on our roadmap for this year, the question is when.  We need to rebuild how we manage files, so we'd have to work out if we want to just add this on our current stuff, or wait to include this in our file redeux.  I'm sorry this is causing you guys pain - I know uploading files one by one is painful.  I'm adding this to our next release planning meeting so we can discuss accelerating this feature.


    Do you have any pipeline devs there that can write you a script to upload all the files in a directory at once?  That could be a short-term fix.

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    Ben Fischler

    This is DEFCON 5 for us.  So much art to get in there.  Might be able to peel off some dev time but this is totally mission critical for us.

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    Don Parker

    Holy crap... DEFCON 5!  We hear you.  This one is on our list of things to spec out this release for consideration for one of the next couple.  We'll report back with questions or thoughts on timing, etc.  Hang in there folks!

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    Tylney Taylor

    I can send you a small python scipt I wrote to uplaod thumbs and movies in bulk.  Should be simple enough to customise it to your needs.

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    Greg Little

    Tylney - I'm very interested to hear about your bulk upload script - is there any chance I could give it a try? Thanks much...

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    That's definitely something we'd be interested in. We're always looking for good ideas from the scripterz... If you get a moment to drop it to our support@shotgunsoftware.com email, that'd be awesome.

    We'll be pushing out our own solution to this soon as well, as Don said... hang in there!

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    Ethan Ledden

    Was a solution to this ever achieved? I have imported 500 shots via spreadsheet but it would be really nice if there was a fast way to upload 500 thumbnails or videos for them.

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    Stephen Chiu

    Ethan, although we don't yet offer a way to do this through the UI, we do have a script that could batch upload and link up these shot thumbnails in Shotgun. The following Python script uploads thumbnails and links them to the appropriate Shot based on a simple regex pattern:


    Also, regarding the original bulk upload request, we've since introduced drag and drop functionality for batch uploading multiple Version records in the UI. You'll find this when launching the Version creation form. Hope this helps!

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    Just checking in, is the python script is still the only way to implement bulk thumbnail upload? Any solutions that don't require writing code?

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    Just checking in, the Python script is still the only way to implement bulk upload of thumbnails? Is there a solution that doesn't require fiddling with code in the API?

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    alejo sun

    Hey All,

    Has there been a batch thumbnail upload solution?



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