I'm trying to do a Bulk Time Log Import, using this data:
Person Date Duration Link
Joseph Frayne 3/3/09 5 1st Pass Animation
Joseph Frayne 4/15/09 3 1st Pass Animation
The problem is that the two Links (Tasks), both called "1st Pass Animation", belong to two different Shots. When the Importer gets to step 4, I can see that Shotgun resolves the Link value to the first Task entity instance it comes across that matches the Task 'Task' field value.
Instead, it should recognize that the value is ambiguous, and mark it as a cell error. Instead, it marks it as an error when I attempt to disambiguate it ahead of time, by changing the Link value to "1st Pass Animation (Shot1)" or to the Task ID value, "719".
I also thought that maybe I could import another field called "Task -> Link" (which is what I did in the Time Logs list, to visually disambiguate them there), but that's not an option.
Anything I'm missing, or will this have to be a feature request?