[DONE 1.12] Visually indicate that a task is behind schedule

On both the list and the gantt, it would be cool if there were an option to visually hilight any task that is "behind schedule".

At the least, this would include tasks that are not yet in progress by the start date, and tasks that are not yet final by the end date.

You could just make the dates red, or something...



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    Sam Bourne

    This is a similar request for a visual tip that something is overdue. In our case it would be nice to have invoices that are outstanding show up immediately. If say the invoice was 1 month old it would highlight yellow, and if it was 2+ months old it would be red. Some sort of color coding option that could be controlled like you control the filters would be great.

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    Don Parker

    Hey guys, you can do this now with the conditional formatting we released in 1.12.  You can set up a formatting rule on the "due" date field to go red if the following query is true:  [end date] [is before] [*today] and [status] [is not] [final].  You can make the cell color red, or the font color red/bold, etc.  If you set this up as a global rule, this will show up everywhere, providing visual feedback.  Will that address your needs?

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    Joe Frayne

    Yeah, it's great Don, thanks!!

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    Nephi Sanchez

    Screenshot of example:


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