Left Nav project display

We would like to have the left nav projects automatically get hidden when changed to a specific status. After we change them to "Payment Pending" or "Archived" it would be nice if they would automatically not be displayed anymore on the left nav. I know it's not too much work to browse and find the project then unselect it, but I can see this becoming an issue after the project list really starts racking up. I'm not sure how to implement this working for custom statuses like our "Payment Pending", but perhaps there is another way to make this more simple. Maybe adding a hide option on the projects being shown in the left nav rather than having to view all projects to hide.


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    Mike Romey

    While talking about the left nav bar, it would also be nice to customize the display of the project list.  For example we use call up codes for projects like 'axe' or 'tst'.  With  200+ projects and growing navigating the call up codes becomes painful.  It would be awesome if we could mash up the project name for the nav bar like this.


    This would make it a lot easier for users who are not inheritly framiliar with the codes to use the project nav bar without having to ask a neighbor " now what is the code for that project?"  Then being told its not "axe" but "axb" and part of the reason we have 'axe', 'axb' and 'axc' is becuase we can't archive our projects out of SG.  This is a completely different issue but somewhat related and shouldn't be overlooked.  We are asking for features that make the usability a lit bit easier but the requests are somewhat systemic of important missing features such as archiving projects.


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    Gavin Greenwalt

    I second this request.  In fact I opened a request ticket some time ago with this feature reques 1363 (Ticket #8342)

    "We track projects largely by project ID (example: 09047) as well as by CLIENT (example: NIKE) and NAME (example:"Run America") In our directory structure we will list them by ID - CLIENT - NAME. We also do almost all of our sorting by ID. Our current solution is to put everything into the name and then track the ID and Client in addition (example: "09047 - NIKE - Run America"). It would be helpful if the project was listed in the left nav by a combination of fields "$ID $Client $Name" instead of just "$Name". It would remove some redundancy and let the name be just the name while still keeping our job list in the navigation bar manageable."


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    Gavin Greenwalt

    This thread would also be relevant to this discussion:


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