Define default values for notes in a playlist

Dailies notes on versions in a playlist will often have the same values for every note in certain fields - subject is the obvious one, and the auto-generated subject is nice, but also fields like To:, CC:, Type, and other custom fields could benefit from the ability to either specify a default value for the playlist, or to easily assign the same value to the new note dialog for each version.

This would work great with the Review Notes app as well, as the defaults could filter into the Notes you create there too. Would be especially useful when using the "Send Now" feature.




  • 1
    Ben Zenker

    I have developed numerous fields and entities for my company, and having the ability to set default field values would save so much hassle, confusion, and simplify the user experience to all the staff members using shotgun.

  • 1
    Fernando Castillo

    Yes please

  • 0
    Sachin Shrestha

    Looks like this request is not yet addressed! +1 from my end too.

  • 0
    Ben Zenker

    @Tommy, would you mind changing this request to state the more general feature of "Define default values for entity fields", instead of having a specific request for Notes?

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