Template Project -> Push these Layouts to All Projects - Dangerous

Hi, Three days ago (excited checking the new features of 1.12) I had a "Lapsus Brutus" and pushed the Layout from Template Project to All. Doh! Talking with Nephi he told me that there is no undo for this neither a way to unretire pages, but now an "undo" is on their list of things to do. Besides an undo feature, sometimes could be handy to push these layouts to most of the projects, at least for our studio 90% of the projects use the same layout without custom pages. So, the feature I'm asking for is a "lock" (checkbox) field for projects to prevent changes on that kind of actions, this way you can push the layout to the rest. Or maybe a way to disable the feature to push from the Site Prefs. This time was me, but tomorrow could be one of my admins exploring SG. Cheers, Doc


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    Don Parker

    Hi Armando, those are great ideas.  I wonder if there should be an option to lock projects to a template, so any change in one updates the tempalte and all the others.  Then maybe we can have multiple templates, each for different types of projects?  The downside would be that you couldn't do project-specific customization w/out affecting others.  Think that would be ok?


    We've also been thinking about a Page admin tool that lists out all pages in a grid, with lots of metadata and analytics.  Things like who made it, who changed it last (with access to full change history), project, entity, default mode, how popular it is (week, month, all time), etc.  Then we could maybe have a field for "query" and one for "layout", that would contain some text or key that represents both.  Then you could copy / paste the layout from one page to a bunch of others at one time.  What do you think about that?

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    Armando Ricalde

    Hi Don,

    I don't know if locking projects to a template would be something flexible enough as you pointed out, I was thinking in a lock to prevent changes. For example, there could be a very specific project an Admin "X" is working and he doesn't want any other Admin or Manager modify it (this include Pushing Layouts to all Projects), so he turns the lock "on". This also applies to saving manually changes to pages, if the lock is "on" you can't (the menu could be greyed out). If someone wants to change something has to unlock the project first.

    About the page admin tool to list all pages in a grid sound great. As a new request the copy / paste layout feature can also apply to whole projects, not only pages. That would be more flexible than pushing layouts without discrimination.



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    Rob Blau

    I've been thinking about this one as we are starting to get more people playing around with their own page layouts.  Seems like it would be great to have some richer permissions on pages.  If a page had owners, which could be person or groups that had write permission to it (actually read permission being handled in the same way would be a pretty nice thing too) then a special group 'Template' could control whether the template would be able to overwrite the page.  As you sync to the template project that would be added to the pages and new pages by default could have that group as part of owners.

    Anyway, that would be sweet.  Add my vote!

    And Don, the page admin tool does sound pretty useful.  I'd put having some permissions on pages at a higher priority though.


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    Don Parker

    Hey Rob, we were just talking this morning about the option to "lock" a page to protect it or adding permission hooks to control visibility on folders and pages.  But it certainly makes sense to also have permission hooks to control who can edit / delete them.  Are you thinking that any page created from the Template would then be owned by the Template and could be updated, while other pages would be protected?

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    Rob Blau

    I'm thinking along the lines of multi-entity connections.  So if a page had a field owners and a field readers, then when a project is created all the pages stamped out from the tempate would have template added as an owner.  if somebody creates a page, there could be a config that would control base ownership or they all just start off with no owner, thus no lock down.

    So if I wanted to control who could see/write to a page, I could set owner/reader to the appropriate set of people/groups.  If I wanted to lock the template out of overwriting a page I could take it out of the owners.

    Something like that.  But it would be GREAT to be able to say 'Department Foo Coordinators' is the group that gets to edit these pages.


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    Don Parker

    Yep, that's sounding awesome.  The seed has been planted!

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