Anne-Valerie Tremblay
Production Manager
KP I think you're talking about two different things here, so let me try and clarify. 'Admin' and 'Artist' are default permission roles and only control the ability to see, create, update, and delete things. This is different from the 'Group' entity available in Shotgun which many studios use to collect their users into logical sets like 'Layout', 'Animation', 'Compositing'. So I think what you're after here is being able to push out different sets of default My Pages to different Groups? Definitely a good request.
One thing that a lot of our clients do is to group up their Project pages into folders for each department which can then make it easy to configure different default pages for each department in the Template Project and then push them out to the Project(s). This way each department can live in their folder and have pages pre-configured to show the info formatted specifically for them.
But I agree that this would be cool to do at the My Page level and we've added a ticket for this.
Anne-Valerie Tremblay Hi Kevin,
Thank you for the follow up! The idea you suggested sounds like a good one! I'll see how I can apply it to our own projects.