Links in modal windows

Would be nice add an option in type File/link fields to allow that links open in a modal window without loss the scope (view) of application.

Something like "Open link in modal window"




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    Hey Raul, 

    Is there anything special about these links, or is it just simply you'd like to show them in context to Shotgun? And would you want them to show up "lightbox-style" where the image shows up in another layer and the background is greyed out (like http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/lightview/) or would you want more control and be able to drag the overlay around and still access the main Shotgun window underneath?

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    Raul Catalina

    Hey, yeah I think the better option is to show it like lighbox-style, simply to have the ability to show links in the same window, it would be great for creating custom menus.

    For example, when you create an action menu item (https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/110709-creating-custom-menu-items-for-integration-with-other-pipeline-tools) the link created always opens in new window and you lose the scope of application, and the same with type File/links fields.

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    Tony Pelle

    Is this possible?  We currently have a URL field on our Version entity that will pop open a quicktime (predates rv integration).  Is it possible for us to use lightview to show a quicktime embedded on the shotgun page?  Right now, for windows/mac, a new tab is opened in the browser to show the quicktime.  For linux, an rv session file is created a uploaded to the client, which has rv associated with the file type.

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