Time Logs

I'm new here so if I'm stating the obvious or just plain wrong let me know. In my experience getting people to fill out forms that are related to time logs is just folly. They leave it til the end of the day or the end of the week and then trawl back through their minds to try and remember what they worked on and for how long. Given that the tasks are all created and handed out to individual artists couldn't you just have a clock-on and a clock-off button on the task. So I pull up the task I click-on, spend three hours on it and then click off. Then you get an actual sense of what time was spent on a task rather than guessing and instead of filling in fields all the time (which is never done right) and all task related data could be pulled internally. This would give you a much better sense of how long things take, who's performing well and who's not etc... Just a thought.


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    Don Parker

    Hi Tim,

    We agree with you completely.  The current time logging is an extremely simple v1 that we did to help out a few clients that were trying to figure out other ways to log time with existing entities.  We have a whole set of "artist friendly" time logging tools on the roadmap.  In the works!

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    Kimberly LeBrane

    What I would would also like with the new tank integration is for the artists to be able to clock in and out from within applications like Nuke or Maya.

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