Grouping Option: Collapse Records / Max Display Records

After setting up some Filters and Grouping Options I sometimes find I am only interested in the First record or maybe the top 3 records per Grouping.  This most often happens with Versions.  For example, A page that shows all Versions of all Beauty Passes for a sequence.  This page is grouped by Lighting Scene and then Pass.  Currently, I get all Versions which gets cumbersome to browse through when we have 50 versions of 200 passes.

See the attachments for the way the page currently looks and then the way it would look with the proposed Feature Request.  I think it is important that the Record-level collapsible arrow icon has a color/highlight.  I added yellow, but whatever.  It just needs to be clear that records are collapsed.

On the Grouping menu, the option could be "Display Top n Grouped Records".    And then that could display a dialog that lets you change it to 1 or 3, etc...  It would be cool, if once the option was activated the text on the menu updated accordingly.  For Example, "Display Top 3 Grouped Records".

And this option needs to respect the current sorting options as well.






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    Ben Hadden


    This is something we're planning to roll into a feature that allows you to display the 'latest' of a given entity.  We're still in 'design mode' on this feature, but we were thinking it would be an option on a page that you select to only show the 'latest n Versions' of a Shot, maybe per a given field (e.g. show me the latest Version on a Shot per Artist).  Do you think that would accomplish what you're after?  In the meantime, I'll pass along your images to the team for design reference.

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    Paul Hudson

    That sounds pretty good as long as its completely flexible.  I like the idea of it being integrated with the grouping (as I described), because that means you can group in any way you see fit and then apply the "Display Top n Grouped Records".

    But sounds like we are generally on the same page.  Cool!

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    Asi Sudai

    I'm with Paul, many coordinators and artist are requesting to filter x-number of latest entities ( meanly Versions ).

    So they can see the latest 3 Versions of animation/lighting per Shot. or show the 1 latest Version for each department in a Shot.

    this ideal of "Display Top n Grouped Records" is a great solution.

    I saw this thread with the same request, but the approach taken was using query fields. which is great since it gives a very custom filter per studio.


    but the ability to filter the existing data ( date, department, status ) and just extract the top n-entities per group is good for most cases we needed.


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    Ben Hadden

    @Asi and @Paul

    Totally get it.  I thought we had a feature request for this but we didn't (for the return last 'x' results in a group), so I created one (SG#15559).  Hopefully this is a small feature that we can roll into one of our upcoming releases.  Thanks for all the feedback!

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    Asi Sudai

    Yeah! we're very happy to hear about this.

    It  sound like a little request, but it would change ( for the better ) how information is been displayed.

    feel free to add us to a beta test on this ;)

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    kevin campbell

    just a me-too on this.

    query fields aren't a good solution for this, because its not practical to add parameters to an entity every time you want to set up a new page

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