Users saving over one another

We've been having the continuing problem of users saving over one another when building pages/ adding fields to existing pages/ editing tabs and widgets on the home page. Someone will spend a couple hours building widgets, only to have it erased once someone else saves a page.

It's resulted in a lot of lost work, a lot of lost hours & plenty of frustration.

Are there any plans in the works to address this?


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    Stephen Chiu

    Paul, we do have a feature ticket to resolve this issue (SG internal ticket #12023). What do you think about the ability to revert to a previously saved layout? So anytime someone saves a page, it gets logged with the changes, so you can revert back to it. Then there's the next resolve of being able to selectively revert or merge changes, e.g. grab the layout changes on a specific tab from a previously saved layout and combine it with the current layout.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll keep you posted on the developments of this feature request--and we're open to any and all feedback on this, Thank you!

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    Paul Haman

    Hey Stephen, 

    I think that's a good idea. The ability to revert would be a good start. Knowing who else is in the process of making changes would help. Having an easily accessible archive of changes, and the ability to selectively merge changes together would be fantastic. Thanks for getting back to me so soon!

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    Paul Haman

    Would it be possible to have a per-tab save option, that would only effect the widgets on that page (including creation and deletion of), then in turn, the overall home page save would not effect the widgets themselves? 

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    Ben Hadden


    We also have a feature request for that one (#8346).  The ticket describes the option to save a tab as a page (say you have a Shots tab on an asset detail page that you want to save as a Shot's page), but I added your comments to the ticket to make it more comprehensive.  We're also looking to add permission settings to those tabs.  Thanks for the feedback!  We'll keep you posted on our progress with this one.

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    Janis Robertson

    This has also caused us a lot of hassle. My suggestion would be to have a pop-up that let's you know if any changes have been saved to that page since you opened it, what changes were made, and who made them. 



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