Playlists from Single Record Query Fields

I would like to be able to add the results from a single record query field to a playlist. It would be very helpful when doing full sequence reviews.

For instance, I could quickly make a playlist of all of the latest versions for a sequence to check continuity between shots. Or make a playlist of the versions that have been delivered to the client so that I can see what the sequence looks like for their screenings.


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    Marijn Eken

    Yes, I was trying to do the same thing, but realized I couldn't. It would be awesome to be able to automatically generate playlists, like from all the latest versions for example. It would be even more awesome if somehow an RV playlist could be created that incorporated an offline version of the cut, including non vfx shots. So you could see all of you vfx shots in context along with non vfx shots.

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    Ben Hadden

    @Kimberly, what if we added a right-click menu option to Shots/Sequences/etc that allowed you to "Add Latest Version to Playlist" so that if you multi-selected a list of Shots you could add them to a Playlist.  We could also have an option to just "Open Latest Version in RV" as well.  Think that would get you close to what you need?

    @Martin, are you creating Shotgun Shots for your non-VFX Shots?  We've been thinking a lot about how to handle these types of Shots and would love to hear how you handle this now.

    Thanks for the feedback!  Keep it coming :)

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    Marijn Eken

    I'm not creating Shotgun Shots for non-VFX shots, and don't really want to. What would be ideal, is if all Shotgun VFX shots could have timecode in-points (think they already have that field?) that refer to the main timeline of the edit. And then somehow have Shotgun create an RV session that intercuts between the offline and vfx shots. I guess that means Shotgun would have to know about this offline file somehow.

    I think RV is capable of all of the above. I guess it should be possible to code this using Python and externally generate the RV session file. But integrated into Shotgun is much cooler!! ;)

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    Kimberly LeBrane

    I like the idea of a right click "Add latest version to playlist" but I am not sure how I would differentiate which latest version I want since at any given moment I may want the latest comp, the latest delivered comp, the latest animation, the latest approved animation, and so on. Right now I am using single record query fields to view this information on the shot level so my best case scenario would be to select my shots, right click on a SRQ column and choose "Add to playlist", "Play in RV", or as Marijn suggested "Play in RV cut" which would use some sort of edl information to launch an RV session with these on the top layer and the corresponding offline on the bottom layer.



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    Ben Hadden

    @Marijn @Kimberly

    These are both great use cases that I'm going to pass along to our team who's focused on our next RV-integration project.  We have a lot of clients in your situation who need to playback both the latest Shots you're tracking in Shotgun and the ones you're just tracking in your rough-cut edit.  We'll give this some thought and report back when we know more!  In the meantime, keep your thoughts coming.

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    Hey there -

    HAs there been any update on these requests .... any implementation, would really like to create a latest version playlist but am doing it very manually at the moment. thanks

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi everyone,

    In 5.1 we released a new feature to Screening Room that allows you to create a Playlist from a selection of Versions. It's a small feature, but also pretty powerful for doing some of the things listed in this request.

    For example, let's say I want to create a Playlist of all the latest comp renders in a Sequence.

    1. Go to Screening Room and load up the sequence.


    2. Use the Filter Panel on the right to filter for just "comp" Versions. (To do this, you'll need to scroll down in the fields menu to Linked Fields, hover over "Task", then select the "Pipeline Step" field)


    3. Now that you're just seeing Comp Versions in the Sequence, select them all by click-dragging over the Versions and then right-click to choose "Create Playlist from Selected". Name your playlist, and there you go!



    Let us know if this helps and how we could make it even better.



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    kir skaletski

    hi Ben,

    this helps a lot, thanks. but the thing is that sequence shots can be on any pipeline stage at the moment, not only comp or any other particular stage. and I'd like to see just the latest actual shot versions in a row, whatever stage they are. any solution in current SG release ? thank you!

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    Francois Touvet

    Hi Ben,

    quite close. Is there any way to filter out the last versions only? Other than selecting it one by one, I mean.

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    Francois Touvet

    just tick the 'Latest' checkbox close to the 'Search' section, ha ha!

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