I find myself constantly repeating code because I can't search for shots/versions that are in 1 of several statuses easily. As an example, we have both a status for the shot being final ('fin') and the shot being done rendering to the final DPX output ('dpx'). It would be nice to be able to grab the set of shots that are in either of those statuses using a single query. The example I gave here is just 2 statuses, but I usually find myself in a loop of querying (for a version of a shot) for a particular status, not finding one, then proceeding to try the next status out of 4 that are acceptable. Worse yet, I'm doing this for every shot in the scene, for every scene in the movie, so the overhead adds up.
['sg_status_list','in',['dpx','fin','finr','stc']] would be a beautiful thing.