Crew Planning Improvements

First off, the Crew Planning App is a great functionality and awesome idea! I've been using spreadsheets for this sort of thing and now that I can do it in Shotgun is perfect. I also know it's in Beta and some of these suggestions may be in the wings already but thought I'd share anyways.


• Ability to filter people – obviously we don't need to schedule the shotgun support user and template user.

• Ability to adjust view – Since we're more production oriented people may jump between 2-4 projects a day. Adding up to 4 projects makes it hard to read so having the ability to adjust height and width zoom would be great.

• Hover over the projects to get details would be helpful too, especially in cluttered views


Those are the main ones, especially the view zoom. Thanks!


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    kevin campbell

    +1 on being able to filter people: we have lots of disabled (freelance) users who clutter up the crew plan

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    Jimmy Christensen

    There is already a width zoom if you click the "Search" icon in the top right corner.

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    Astrid Scholte

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you so much for the feedback! We're really excited about the Crew Planning App and its future capabilities. It's great to hear how people are loving it already, and how we can make it even more awesome!

    We've been hearing similar feedback to your suggestions and are currently working on narrowing down the list of feature requests to be addressed in the upcoming release of Crew Planning App 0.2. Being able to filter people and show only active users is high on our priority list, we're also working on showing booking details on hover and developing a more intuitive way to zoom in and out on bookings. So it looks like we're on the right track!

    If you have any further feedback please don't hesitate to send an email to support@shotgunsoftware.com.

    Kind regards,

    Shotgun Support

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