Default Value for List Field

It would be great to have a default value for List Fields similar to Status List Fields. With Status Lists, your default value is the value automatically populated in the field when a new Entity is created. Currently, List Fields are blank when a new Entity is created.

A good use case would be for Notes.

When you create a new Note, having the Type default to Internal would save time and clicks and reduce error.


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    Nephi Sanchez Official comment

    Hi Everyone,


    Happy to say that we have released this feature in 7.11!  Check out the complete release notes here:






  • 1
    Sylvain Delhomme

    A default value for all kind of field (not only list) would be great!

  • 3
    Mike Hendricks

    Yes, Ideally it would be nice to have any field support a default. At least most of the basic types. Checkbox, Currency, Float, Number, List, Percent, Query, Text. The other types if its possible, I think Date and Time would require a bit more work to implement properly.

  • 1
    Ben Hadden

    Hey @Mike,

    I saw your comment come through and it reminded me that we actually will be releasing this in our 6.3 release (coming out in a few weeks). We've added support for choosing default values for List fields and Checkbox fields. The others were a little more complicated, so we'll treat those as separate feature requests.

    Marking this one DONE!

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    Mike Hendricks

    I'm not seeing the default option for Checkbox or List field types. We are on v6.3.9.1 (build 09197d4).

    I also don't see it in the https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/96058557-6-3-Release-Notes

    did checkbox and list defaults get pulled?

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    Huong Nguyen

    I don't see it either.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey Mike and Huong,

    I had made a mistake back in October in setting this to resolved. We actually did do some work to make this possible, but in providing a way to set defaults, certain system-owned fields were experiencing issues (fields on HumanUser, for example, which prevented newly created users from receiving invitation emails or file access). I'm going to open this back up. We'll update the forum again when we make more progress here. Apologies for the false alarm!

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    Janis Robertson

    We're running into a situation where we'd like the date field on notes to be auto-populated for consistency. We'd like this to be separate from the "date created" audit field because we sometimes need to back date the note. It can be useful to see when the note was created in shotgun vs. when the note was received. 

  • 1

    Hey Ben. 

    Any movement on this request?  Would be great to set the default type on notes to "internal". 


  • 1

    Hey Ben. 

    Any movement on this request?  Would be great to set the default type on notes to "internal". 


  • 2
    Ben Hadden

    Hi Colleen,

    This one is still on the list for the dev team, but not quite at the top. We'll reply back to the forums when it gets closer so you know it's coming!


  • 2

    Hi Ben,


    Any movement on this one?

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