A button to suppress Welcome to Inbox/My Task videos from coming up.

Hi there

We are finding that the Welcome to Inbox and My Task videos are mostly needed the first or second time as opposed to every log-in.

At certain facilities (including the one I'm at) cookie/history enabling runs counter to certain security policies.  Also the act of auto-flushing cookies again creates this issue.  As a result I'm seeing many artists looking at the welcome videos after each reboot - this seems tedious and unnecessary.

Could it be a pretty cool to have a button at the bottom of the clips that memorises per each user whether or not they wish to see the intro videos again?

What are other peoples thoughts on this?





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    Jeff Crocker

    Yes, we are experiencing this same issue. But it's certainly sporadic- I don't see the Welcome videos anymore, but a couple of my artists and coordinators get the welcome messages every single time they log in. If there is a simple way to stop this, I can't seem to find it. 


    Also Jeff (I swear I'm not the same person.)

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Jeff(s),

    Addressing the reply from Jeff Crocker, the Welcome Videos decide to play based on whether there is a cookie or not. So once the video pops up, it leaves a cookie behind. If you have your browser set to not accept cookies, the videos will play every time. If you set the browser to clear cookies on close, then every time you restart the browser, the videos will play. So it's likely that different people have different browser settings and are getting the seemingly sporadic behavior.

    You can make exceptions in your browser prefs (at least on Firefox) so that your browser would accept Shotgun cookies and not others. That would likely help.

    That being said, we do hear you all that another mechanism to track whether the videos have played is highly desirable.

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    Jean-Paul LeDoux

    We have one artist that is having this same problem.  (Windows/Chrome).  We checked and the cookie permissions are wide open, plus we can see the shotgun cookies (including one for Inbox for example), yet he's still plagued by the popups.  We even tried deleting the cookies and see if fresh ones made a dif.  But nada.  :(

    Earlier in the year I had the same problem with the "New Features" banner persisiting.  


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    Jean-Paul LeDoux

    Hi, now I have a few users complaining about the "Media Room" promos.  If there was a global way to disable all these features for the site, it would be great.

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    Jos'h Fuller

    As a web developer/someone mildly concerned about privacy, I have my browser set to automatically clear cookies and other private data when it closes. Of course, I am often resetting my browser during the day while testing things.

    Would prefer a user profile setting that turns off such notifications (including advertisements...) completely. That way, we can set it when we create new users automatically.


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    Brandon Foster

    Howdy Folks,

    Just wanted to give you a heads up that the welcome videos in these apps have been removed altogether and should no longer pop up for you.

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