Direct URL to a View on a Page

Pages can be designed with multiple Views (formerly tabs at the top of the page). We've heard from a few clients how handy it would be to be able to link directly to one of those views via the URL, so a link can easily be sent to someone without needing to give them additional instructions to navigate to a particular view.

Would this be useful to you? If so, please vote!


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    Armando Ricalde

    Definitely,  yesterday I was talking with Hasiel about this, he programmed an action menu item that creates pdf calendars based on the Project Timeline App schedule, and some milestones have a Playlist linked, so there in an actual link to this Playlist page on the pdf and it would be so nice to be able to point to an specific tab. And there are plenty of useful ideas to use a feature like this.

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    clinton downs

    In our Shotgun workflow, we tend towards less Pages, with more Views. We prefer this approach as it avoids Page over-population and allows us to create more powerful pages; eg a Lighting Page contains Views of different Entity types so an Artist only needs to go to that one Page.

    Being able to Link directly to Views within those Pages would help us enormously; Links from documentation/wiki can go straight to the required View for example.

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    Permanently deleted user

    We would also love to see this feature. Just image how much time everybody would save if they could write:
    click here: http://xyz  
    instead of: 
    1) click on the link http://xyz 
    2) then click on the More icon on the right
    3) then click on Shots Details

    Since its most likely a small change to Shotgun it would be awesome if it could move up on the priority list.


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    François TARLIER

    looks like an old thread, but we would really need this as well. 

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    Permanently deleted user

    Just made a filter to show all Shotgun Toolkit enabled projects and wanted to add it to a ticket. Unfortunately it doesn't work.
    Right now I only have a couple of choices:

    1) Make an extra page just for this use case (very inefficient and hard to maintain over time)
    2) Describe in the wiki how to get to my filter: click on link, go to tab (little menu on the right), click on filter button on right, find and click on filter, enjoy :) (again very inefficient)
    3) Skip trying to be helpful and just ask users to make their own view every time they like to check it out (nobody will do it)

    So long story short we should really go a step further and enable deep linking to: http://site/page/tab/filter
    The easiest would be to change the URL whenever a tab or filter is activated (similar to Asana).
    This is the most intuitive route as it allows users to just copy and share the current URL and the next user will see their view

    Really looking forward to it one day!!

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    Francois Touvet

    First time with shotgun and this was my first request... I cannot just believe this is not done yet. 

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    Francois Touvet

    Scanning the JS sources for an answer to 'how to get dedicated URL to page views?' I found this in <my_team_account>/javascripts/widgets_<id>.js:

    for(var i=0;i<this.layouts.length;i++){var layout=this.layouts[i];items.push({html:escapeHTML(layout.display_name),name:layout.name,checked:layout.name==this.selected_layout,item_selected:{fn:this.on_layouts_menu_selected,scope:this}});}}

    I guess getting the html field setted with escapeHTML(layout.display_name) would give us the answer. Unfortunately I do not know how to do that.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey everyone, we've gone through the work to estimate this feature and know it's something we can do. It's just a matter of prioritizing it against the other things in our backlog. Thanks for your patience on this one! We're keen to get the feature too ;) since we often send links internally to Pages with multiple views.

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    Andrew Lawrence

    Hey Folks,

    Happy to say with the release going out today, this is now finally possible! When you have multiple views on a page and flip between them, you'll notice the name of the view is appended to the URL. This can be used to direct someone to a specific view on that page.

    You can check out the full release notes below


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